CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Viewing Details for an API : Summary of Actions in the API
Summary of Actions in the API
An action bar on the details page of an API contains the list of operations that can be performed on the API.
The following actions are available in the API details page:
Action Name
You use this action to save the change made to an API's information.
You use this action to view an API's information and modify them.
You use this action to generate a new version of an API.
You use this action to remove an API.
You use this action to define the virtual copy of an API.
You use this action to attach a supporting document to an API.
You use this action to subscribe notifications when changes are made to an API's information.
Add to List
You use this action to add an API to the My Favorites list.
Remove from List
You use this action to remove an API from the My Favorites list.
You use this action to export an API from one instance of CentraSite to another.
You use this action to register as a consumer for an API.
You use this action to revert an API request than has been submitted for approval.
View Report
You use this action to generate and view reports for an API.
You use this action to assign instance-level and profile-level permissions on an API.
API Consumption Settings
You use this action to configure the client consumption settings for an API.
You use this action to publish an API to a Mediator gateway, an API-Portal gateway, or an Insight gateway.
You use this action to unpublish an API from a Mediator gateway, an API-Portal gateway, or an Insight gateway.
Asset Navigator
You use this action to easily navigate and visualize the dependencies between assets for various use cases.
Add Policy
You use this action to define a new run-time policy to to govern the APIs' run-time execution.
Add Runtime Alias
You use this action to define the runtime (routing) endpoint alias.
Add Gateway
You use this action to define a Mediator gateway, an API-Portal gateway, or an Insight gateway that identifies the specific instance of Mediator, API-Portal, Insight, or other policy enforcement point that you want to use with CentraSite.
You use this action to import an API by importing the archive file (zip file) to which the API was previously exported.
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