Excluding Sub Types From CentraSite Business UI Search
The Exclude sub types option for a base type determines whether instances of its (derived) sub types should be displayed in the CentraSite Business UI. You can enable or disable this option for each base type. When you enable this option, Business UI omits instances of its sub types from the Search Results page so users cannot search for such instances. When you disable this option, Business UI includes the instances of its sub types in the Search Results page.
To exclude sub types from Business UI search
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.
By default, all of the available types are displayed in the Types tab.
2. In the Types tab, click the name of the base type whose sub types you want to exclude from the search in Business UI.
3. In the Asset Type Details page, click Edit to open the Edit Asset Type wizard.
4. On the Edit Asset Type wizard, click Advanced Settings.
5. Enable the Exclude sub types from CentraSite Business UI search option.
6. Click OK, and then Finish.