CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Asset Navigator : Types of Charts
Types of Charts
TreeChart Chart
SunBurst Chart
Icicle Chart
Graph Chart
Asset Navigator supports the following visualization formats:
GraphChart view is available only if you configure in the centrasite.xml file.
By default, all usecases are configured with the TreeChart type. However, you can configure the default chart type for the usecases in the centrasite.xml file.
The following information is displayed when you hover over a node in any of the above mentioned graphs. These attributes can also be configured in the centrasite.xml file:
*Name: The name of the asset.
*Description: The description of the asset.
*Type: The type of the asset, for example, virtual service, native service, API, and so on.
*Created Date: The date when the asset was created.
*Last updated: The date when the asset was last updated.
*Owner: The owner of the asset.
*Organization: The name of the organization to which the asset belongs.
*Version: The version of the asset.
You can click on each node to go to the asset details page of the selected asset.
You can configure the usecases and charts based on your requirements in the centrasite.xml file available in the <SAG_HOME>\CentraSite\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf folder. For more information on configuring usecases and charts, refer to the Configuration Settings.
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