CentraSite Documentation : Working with REST-based APIs : About CentraSite RESTful API Model : Supported HTTP Status Codes
Supported HTTP Status Codes
An API response returns a HTTP status code that indicates success or failure of the requested operation.
CentraSite allows you specify HTTP codes for each method to help clients understand the response. While responses can contain an error code in XML or other format, clients can quickly and more easily understand an HTTP response status code. The HTTP specification defines several status codes that are typically understood by clients.
CentraSite includes a set of predefined content types that are classified in the following taxonomy categories:
Predefined Taxonomy Category
Redirection. Need further action.
Client error. Correct the request data and retry.
Server error.
For information on the status codes that CentraSite supports out-of-the-box, in CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Taxonomies. On the Taxonomies page, enable the Show all Taxonomies option. Navigate to HTTP Status Codes in the list of taxonomies.
HTTP/1.1 defines all the legal status codes. Examine these codes to determine which are appropriate for your API.
Consider the case of online Phone Store API. The following table describes the HTTP status codes that each of the URIs and HTTP methods combinations will respond.
Resource URI
Supported HTTP Methods
Supported HTTP Status Codes
200 (OK, Success)
201 (Created) if the Order resource is successfully created, in addition to a Location header that contains the link to the newly created Order resource; 406 (Not Acceptable) if the format of the incoming data for the new resource is not valid
200 (OK); 404 (Not Found) if Order Resource not found
204 (OK); 404 (Not Found) if Order Resource not found
200 (OK); 404 (Not Found) if Order Resource not found
200 (OK); 404 (Not Found) if Order Resource not found
201 (Created); 406 (Not Acceptable) if there is a problem with the format of the incoming data on the new payment details; 404 (Not Found) if Order Resource not found
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