CentraSite's REST framework enables you to model APIs conforming to the (Resource Oriented Architecture) ROA design. For example, you might model an API that serves to expose the web service data and functionality as a collection of resources. Each resource will be accessible with unique Uniform Resource Identifiers (URLs). In your API, you expose a set of HTTP operations (methods) to perform on a specific resource, and capture the request and response messages, and status codes that will be unique to the HTTP method and linked within the specific resource of the API.
The basic elements of a REST API in the CentraSite registry are as follows:
The API itself (For example,
Its resource (
phones), available on the unique base URL (
The defined HTTP method (
GET) for accessing the resource (
Parameters for request representations (
A request generated for this method (
Request 123)
A response with the status code received for this request (
Response ABCD)
Instructions throughout this guide use the term API when referring to the REST APIs.