CentraSite Documentation : Working with REST-based APIs : About CentraSite RESTful API Model : REST Resources : Resource URLs
Resource URLs
An URL identifies the location of a specific resource.
For example, consider the case of our sample Phone Store API designed to support an online phone store application. The resources will have the following URLs:
Specifies the collection of phones contained in the online store.
Accesses a phone referenced by the product code 412456.
Specifies a set of reviews posted for a phone of code 412456.
Accesses a specific review referenced by the unique ID 78 contained in the reviews of the phone of code 412456.
CentraSite supports the following patterns of resource URL: a collection of resources or a particular resource.
For example, consider the above example of an online Phone Store API.
Collection URL: http://phonestore.com/api/phones
Unique URL: http://phonestore.com/api/phones/412456/features
to retrieve a collection resource describing the key features of phone whose product code is 412456.
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