CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Consumer Registrations : Introduction to Consumer Registration
Introduction to Consumer Registration
Scope of Consumer Registration at Design-Time
Scope of Consumer Registration at Run-Time
Beginning with version 9.9, CentraSite does not support the Consumer Registration functionality in Control UI. This means that there is no consumer registration procedure in Control UI. As a result:
*The Register as Consumer action in the details page of an Application asset is removed in CentraSite Control user interface.
*You cannot modify details of the consumers using the Consumers profile of an Application asset in the CentraSite Control user interface. You can only view details of the consumers such as: Name, Description, Type of Consumer, Owner, Organization, Created date, Modified date, and the Lifecycle State.
*The Consumer Registrations section which provides functionality for viewing a summary of all consumer registration requests in conjunction with Pending Registrations and Registration Requests is removed from the Home > My CentraSite > Inbox page of CentraSite Control user interface.
*The My Pending Consumer Registration Requests data feed that was used to construct a custom portlet for rendering the list of all consumer registration requests in CentraSite Business user interface is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
Therefore, you cannot register users, or groups, or Application assets as consumers of an asset using the CentraSite Control UI. Instead, you can use the enhanced interface of CentraSite Business UI which supports consumer registration for users, groups and arbitrary assets (in contrast, earlier versions of CentraSite Business UI supported a standardized interface for consumer registration of Application assets only). Documentation of the prior consumer registration interface is available to CentraSite customers who have a current maintenance contract in Empower Product Support website.
The term “consumer registration” means providing users the ability to consume assets. Consumer registration with CentraSite enables asset providers to establish an enhanced level of protection and access control as to who can consume the assets using configurable approval workflows and thus allows the asset providers to visualize and control the consumption of their assets.
CentraSite's flexible and extensible asset catalog enables the asset providers to expose their reusable assets. At any time, asset consumers can discover the reusable assets in the asset catalog which functions as the central registry, and reuse them in their own applications. Consumer registration functionality provides the mechanism to establish the consumer-provider relationships in CentraSite at both design-time and run-time.
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