Exposing a Virtual SOAP API as Virtual REST API
CentraSite offers you the possibility to expose Virtual SOAP APIs also as Virtual REST APIs in webMethods Mediator.
The REST-enabled support for a Virtual SOAP API is achieved using the Enable REST Support policy action that comes pre-shipped with CentraSite.
When you include the
Enable REST Support action in a Virtual SOAP API's run-time configuration, clients can invoke the REST-enabled Virtual API in
Mediator using both a SOAP request and a REST request. For more details about the
Enable REST Support action, see
Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for
This policy action is set by default in the Receive stage for all Virtual APIs. To disable the REST support for a Virtual API, manually remove the Enable REST Support action from the Receive stage of the Virtual API.
REST-Enabled Virtual SOAP API in webMethods API-Portal
When you publish a REST-enabled Virtual API to webMethods API-Portal, it is exposed only as a Virtual REST API in API-Portal. All the operations of the Virtual API are exposed as REST Resources. This allows clients to test the exposed Virtual REST API in API-Portal using a REST request.
Currently, API-Portal only supports the HTTP GET and POST methods with these kinds of REST Resources.
If a SOAP operation exposed as a REST resource is invoked using a GET request, the required values for the SOAP operation should be sent as Query parameters. But these Query parameters are not pre-populated with the exposed REST resource. You must manually specify them.
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