CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Authentication Topics and LDAP : Configuring Active Directory Server
Configuring Active Directory Server
Using an Active Directory Server as the user repository is only supported via LDAP.
The dialog for Active Directory Server asks for the following values:
Domain ID
The name of the machine on which the Active Directory server is running.
The port on which the Active Directory server is running. Only needed if it is not the default value, which is 389.
Forest DN
The base bind distinguished name for the node under which all the domains reside. Example: if there are domains like: dc=HR,dc=abc,dc=com and dc=USA,dc=abc,dc=com and dc=EUR,dc=abc,dc=com, then this parameter would be dc=abc,dc=com.
The number of seconds that the user is cached in the server after successful authentication. Changes made to the user, for example, deletion or password changes, do not take effect until this time has elapsed.
For more information, see Creating Authentication Configurations.
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