ApplinX Version 9.9
 —  Web Application Development  —

Class Hierarchy - Working with Procedures


(^ contains)<YOUR_PAGE>.jsp

com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.GXWebPageContext : refer to Class Hierarchy - Framework description.

com.sabratec.applinx.j2ee.framework.web.GXAbstractProceduresPageContext is an ApplinX for JSP procedure class that contains all the objects and functionality needed for working with procedures. It contains access to GXWebAppConfig, using the get<OBJECT_NAME> method, and access to all the framework building blocks ("gx_" function), that can bind the request and response of a procedure into a JSP page.

Note: It does not perform any logic using this class - it only provides the functionality.

<Your Page>.java Contains logic that executes the relevant procedures, fills the page with the procedure response, and responds to server-side events in order to send user typed data to procedures, and jump to the next relevant page.

<Your Page>.jsp: refer to Class Hierarchy - Framework description. Each JSP page contains a reference to a context class which can be referred as <YOUR_PAGE>.java.



System.Web.UI.Page is the top-level ASP.NET class. All aspx pages should inherit from it directly/indirectly. This class contains the life cycle mentioned in The Framework Lifecycle.

com.sabratec.dotnet..framework.web.GXAbstractProceduresWebForm is an ApplinX ASPX procedure class that contains all the objects and functionality needed for working with procedures. It contains access to GXWebAppConfig, and access to all the framework building blocks ("gx_" function), that can bind the request and response of a procedure into a JSP page.

Note: It does not perform any logic using this class - it only provides the functionality.

<Your Page>.cs: Contains logic that executes the relevant procedures, fills the page with the procedure response, and responds to server-side events in order to send user typed data to procedures, and jump to the next relevant page.

<Your Page>.aspx: refer to Class Hierarchy - Framework description.

GXAbstractProceduresPageContext / GXAbstractProceduresWebForm

Package: com.sabratec.applinx.j2ee.framework.web

Contains gx "building blocks" that automate the process of working with procedures. All JSP procedure pages should inherit from this class.

gx_fillTable(GXISelfSerializable[ ] entities)

Accepts a request object array returned from a procedure, converts it into a GXITable entity, and fills the table tag with data according to the gx tags ID. Refer to Working with Tables for more details.

Note: All types of Applinx Data Structure attributes are supported by gx_fillTable.

gx_fillForm(GXISelfSerializable entity)

Accepts a response object/internal entity (of the response object) returned from a procedure, and fills the gx tags with data according to the entity field and the gx tags Id's.

Note: Binding is performed only for the top-level fields of the passed entity.

If the root level of the passed entity contains an entity array, it is also performs gx_fillTable.

Note: All types of Applinx Data Structure attributes are supported by gx_fillForm.

gx_prepareEntity(GXISelfSerializable entity)

Accepts an initialized request entity (new) / internal entity (of the request object), and fills it with data from the JSP page. Only the root of the passed entity level is filled.

Note: All types of Applinx Data Structure attributes are supported by gx_prepareEntity.

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