ApplinX Version 9.9
 —  Web Application Development  —

Class Hierarchy

Class Hierarchy - .NET Framework


System.Web.UI.Page is the top-level ASP.NET class. All aspx pages should inherit from it directly/indirectly.

This class contains the life cycle mentioned in The Framework Lifecycle.

GXScreenBasedWebForm is an ApplinX ASP.NET framework class that contains all the objects and functionality needs for the ApplinX framework.

It does not perform any logic when inheriting from this class. It only provides the functionality.

GXBasicWebForm is the top-level class in your project. All pages in your ApplinX ASP.NET framework project should inherit from this class directly or indirectly. It allows you to declare configuration for all project pages, since all the pages inherit from it. In this class you should add project level code (events/user exits, overriding ApplinX framework gx functions). This class does not perform any logic.

GXDefaultLogicWebForm is a class that performs the default ApplinX framework logic: attaching/connecting, check synchronization, sending the fields when submitted by keyboard keys, jumping to the next page (instant/generated), filling the page fields and error handling.

All ApplinX JavaScript functionality is added to a page when inheriting from this page. Refer to Host Driven Development method.

GXInstantLogicWebForm is a class that contains all configuration parameters of Instant HTML rendering, and the registration of instant transformations.

Your Page.aspx.cs(vb) is the code behind a specific Web page. You should add logic only for the specific page. Should inherit from GXBasicWebForm/GXDefaultLogicWebForm.

Your Page.aspx contains the design of a Web page.

Strong names are used with ApplinX .NET framework assemblies.

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Class Hierarchy - ApplinX Framework for JSP


com.sabratec.j2ee.framework.web.GXWebPageContext is the top-level context class. All context java classes should extend from it directly/indirectly. It contains access to all the JSP objects: request, response, session, application, Writer and additional Sabratec JSP objects (non host related): logger, tagsAccessor and window.

All of the objects can be accessed by the get<OBJECT_NAME> method.

This class contains the life cycle mentioned in The Framework Lifecycle.

Each JSP page contains a reference to a context class which can be referred as <YOUR_PAGE>.java

com.sabratec.applinx.j2ee.framework.web.GXScreenBasedJspContext is an ApplinX Framework for JSP class that contains all the objects and functionality needs for the ApplinX Framework. It contains access to GXWebAppConfig and GXSession, using the get<OBJECT_NAME> method, and access to all the framework building blocks ("gx_" function).

It does not perform any logic using this context class. It only provides the functionality.

GXBasicContext is the top-level context class in your project. All java context classes in your JSP Web application project should extend from this class directly or indirectly. It allows you to declare general code and user exits for all project pages, since all the context classes extend from it. In this class you should add project level code (events/user exits, overriding ApplinX framework gx functions). This class does not perform any logic.

GXDefaultLogicContext is a class that performs the default ApplinX framework logic: attaching/connecting, check synchronization, sending the fields when submitted by keyboard keys, jumping to the next page (instant/generated), filling the page fields and error handling.

All ApplinX JavaScript functionality is added to a page when using this context. Refer to Host Driven Development method.

<Your Page>.java is the context class for a specific Web page. You should add logic only for the specific page. Should extend from GXBasicContext/GXDefaultLogicContext.

<Your Page>.jsp contains the design of a Web page with static HTML and tags from the HTML tags library. The JSP framework should declare in the gx:html root tag, which is the context class.

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