ApplinX Version 9.9
 —  Administration  —

Administrative Web Services API

ApplinX Administrative Web Services API provides the developer the capability to retrieve data and perform actions based on information received from ApplinX server in runtime, without accessing the ApplinX Designer or Administrator but rather using standard Web services.

These Web services can be used for the following:

The user name required in this method refers to a user who has ApplinX server Administrator permissions.

Retrieving Server Information

This Web service retrieves data regarding server information.

URL: http://localhost:2380/wsstack/services/ServerManager?wsdl

This address is relevant when working with the WS-Stack in local mode. When working in remote mode, you need to update the server address to reflect the WS-Stack server address.

Method getServerInformation

Returns a ServerInformationResponse object which contains the ServerInfomation object.

Format: ServerInformationResponse getServerInformation(ServerInformationRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
ServerInformationRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
ServerInformationResponse version String The ApplinX server's version.
startedTime String The date and time the server was last initialized.
activeSessions int The number of currently active sessions.
idleSessions int The number of sessions currently idle (connected, but detached).
processingSessions int The number of sessions currently performing actions against the host.
totalSessions int The total number of sessions opened since the server was started.
startedThreads int The number of threads that were activated.
idleThreads int The number of threads that were activated, but are currently not being used.
allocatedMemory long The total amount of memory (in bytes) that is currently allocated to ApplinX server on the Java Virtual Machine.
freeMemory long The amount of memory (in bytes) currently available for ApplinX to use.

Method getSessionsCounters

Returns a sessionsCountersResponse object which contains the ConnectionsPerLicense object.

Format: sessionsCountersResponse getSessionsCounters(sessionsCountersRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
sessionsCountersRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
sessionsCountersResponse numberOfWebEnablementDisplay ConnectionsCounter Relates to Web enablement connections (excluding printer sessions).
numberOfWebEnablementPrinter ConnectionsCounter Relates to the printer sessions. The printer sessions are counted as Web Enablement connections.
numberOfSOAEnablement ConnectionsCounter Relates to the SOA enablement connections (excluding Web integration and RPC connections).
numberOfWebIntegration ConnectionsCounter Relates to Web Integration connections. The Web Integration connections are counted as SOA connections.
numberOfRPCConnections ConnectionsCounter Relates to RPC connections. The RPC connections are counted as SOA connections.
numberOfUnassignedPoolConnections ConnectionsCounter Relates to the unassigned connections in the connection pool.

Each of the parameters includes the number of connections currently being used, the maximum number of connections ever connected at one time and the date and time that this occurred. See table below. Note that each of the parameters relates to a specific type of connection.

ConnectionsCounter Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
current int The number of connections of the same type currently being used.
Max int The maximum number of connections of the same type ever connected at one time.
dateOfMax() java.util.Calendar Time that the maximum number of connections of the same type was measured.

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Retrieving Session Information

This Web service retrieves data regarding session information.

URL: http://localhost:2380/wsstack/services/SessionManager?wsdl

This address is relevant when working with the WS-Stack in local mode. When working in remote mode, you need to update the server address to reflect the WS-Stack server address.

Method getAllSessions

Returns a object which contains a list of all the sessions that are open on the server.

Format: GetAllSessionsResponse getAllSessions(GetAllSessionsRequest request) getServerInformation(ServerInformationRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetAllSessionsRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
GetAllSessionsResponse sessions Session [] An array of Session objects which contain the session information.

Method getApplicationSessions

Returns a GetApplicationSessionsResponse object which contains a list of sessions that are connected to a specific application.

Format: GetApplicationSessionsResponse getApplicationSessions(GetApplicationSessionsRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetApplicationSessionsRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
GetApplicationSessionsResponse sessions Session [] An array of Session objects which contain the session information.

Method getServiceSessions

Returns a GetServiceSessionsResponse object which contains a list of sessions that are connected to a specific Connection pool.

Format: GetServiceSessionsResponse getServiceSessions(GetServiceSessionsRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetApplicationSessionsRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the Connection Pool.
GetServiceSessionsResponse sessions Session [] An array of Session objects which contain the session information.

Method cancelSession

Returns a CancelSessionResponse object which contains a boolean that indicates that the session has been canceled.

Format: CancelSessionResponse cancelSession(CancelSessionRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
CancelSessionRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
sessionId String The ID of the session that you would like to cancel.
CancelSessionResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Session Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
id String The session's ID on the ApplinX server.
description String The session's description. For example, this may be the session's computer address.
type String The type of session: Display session, Printer session, RPC session, Web Integration session or Development session.
application String The name of the application on ApplinX server to which this session is connected.
deviceName String Workstation ID, available only in certain protocols.
state String The current communication status between ApplinX server and the host. Can be either: Idle (connected, not attached), Initializing, Processing (executing an action), Active (attached), or Disconnecting.
idleTime String The time period a session has not performed a communication activity with the host.
currentScreen String The name of the current screen. When the screen is not identified this will be UNKNOWN.
userAddress String The IP address from where the session is connected to ApplinX.
hostAddress String The IP address of the host.
replayFile String The GCT file name that is working with this session and the screen number in the GCT file.
traceFile String The name of the trace file that is tracing the current session.
bytesSent int The number of bytes sent to the host.
bytesReceived int The number of bytes received from the host
serviceName String The name of the connection pool used by the current session. Will return an empty value when no connection pool is used by the session.

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Managing Connection Pools

This Web service retrieves runtime data regarding existing connection pools and enables starting and stopping these pools.

URL: http://localhost:2380/wsstack/services/ServiceManager?wsdl

This address is relevant when working with the WS-Stack in local mode. When working in remote mode, you need to update the server address to reflect the WS-Stack server address.

Method getApplicationServices

Returns a GetApplicationServicesResponse object which contains a list of connection pools and their status, for a specific application.

Format: GetApplicationServicesResponse getApplicationServices(GetApplicationServicesRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetApplicationServicesRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
GetApplicationServicesResponse services Service [] An array of Service objects which contain the session information.

Method getFolderServices

Returns a GetFolderServicesResponse object which contains a list of names and status of connection pools that are in a specific folder of an application.

Format: GetFolderServicesResponse getFolderServices(GetFolderServicesRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetFolderServicesRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
folder String The name of the folder where the connection pools are located.
GetFolderServicesResponse services Service [] An array of Service objects which contain the session information.

Service Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
name String The name of the connection pool.  
folder String The folder in which the connection pool is placed.
status String The connection pool's status: Not Started, Initializing, Active, In standby, Suspended, Stopping or Stopped.
activeConnections int The number of connections currently held by a session (user).
readyConnections int The number of connections ready for use.
processingConnections int The number of connections currently in the Processing state.
averageWaitTime long The average time (in milliseconds) sessions waited for a READY connection (calculated only among those sessions that waited) multiplied by the percentage of waiting sessions. For example: if 8% sessions had to wait, and in average each of those waited 1000 milliseconds, the overall average wait time was: 0.08 * 1000 = 80 milliseconds.
percentOfWaiting int The percent of sessions that did not immediately get a connection when trying to connect to ApplinX.
connectionCount int The total number of connections in the connection pool (since the last time the connection pool was started), ignoring broken connections.
maxConnections int The maximum number of connections that were connected concurrently since the connection pool started.
sessionCount int The total number of sessions that connected to the host connection pool since the connection pool started.
maxConcurrentSessions int The maximum number of sessions that were connected concurrently since the connection pool started.
connectionInfoName int The name of the information set used by this connection pool.
numberOfCurrentlyWaiting int The number of users currently waiting for a connection.
numberOfTimeouts int the number of users who received a timeout after a connection was not assigned to them.
numberOfWaitedUsers int the total number of users who waited for a connection since the connection pool was last started.
maxWaitTime long Maximum time, since the session started, that a user waited for a connection.

Method cancelConnection

Returns a CancelConnectionResponse object which contains a boolean that indicates that the connection has been canceled.

Format: CancelConnectionResponse cancelConnection(CancelConnectionRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
CancelConnectionRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folder String The name of the folder where the connection pools are located.
connectionId String The ID of the connection which you would like to cancel.
CancelConnectionResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method getServiceConnections

Returns a GetServiceConnectionsRequest object which contains a list of connections for a specific Connection Pool.

Format: GetServiceConnectionsRequest getServiceConnections(GetServiceConnectionsRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetServiceConnectionsRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
GetServiceConnectionsResponse connections ServiceConnection [] An array of ServiceConnection objects which contain the session information.

ServiceConnection Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
ConnectionId String The identifier of the connection.
Status String The current status of the connection. Possible values: Active, Ready, Initializing, Recycling, Keep-alive, Terminating or Broken.
SessionId String Active connections only - displays the ID of the session holding the displayed connection.
elapsedTime String The amount of time that has elapsed since the session status last changed.
errorMessage String Displays error messages for broken connections.
createdTime String The time the connection was created.
statusChangedTime String The time the status was last changed.
sessionServed int The number of sessions this specific connection served so far.
connectionInformation String The connection information set row number used by the connection.
currentScreen String The name of the current screen.

Method startService

Starts the connection pool specified in the request and returns a response object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: StartServiceResponse startService(StartServiceRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
StartServiceRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folderName String The name of the folder where the connection pool is located. By default, this is the root folder.
StartServiceResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method stopService

Stops the connection pool specified in the request and returns a StopServiceResponse object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: StopServiceResponse stopService(StopServiceRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
StopServiceRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folderName String The name of the folder where the connection pool is located. By default, this is the root folder.
StopServiceResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method stopAllServices

Stops all the connection pools of the application and returns a StopAllServicesResponse object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: StopAllServicesResponse stopAllServices(StopAllServicesRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
StopAllServicesRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
StopAllServicesResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method suspendService

Suspends the available connection pool of the application and returns a SuspendServiceResponse object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: SuspendServiceResponse suspendService(SuspendServiceRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
SuspendServiceRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folderName String The name of the folder where the connection pool is located. By default, this is the root folder.
SuspendServiceResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method StandbyService

Suspends the available connection pool of the application and returns a standbyServiceResponse object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: StandbyServiceResponse standbyService(standbyServiceRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
standbyServiceRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folderName String The name of the folder where the connection pool is located. By default, this is the root folder.
StandbyServiceResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method resumeService

Resumes the possibility to use a suspended connection pool of the application and returns a ResumeServiceResponse object with a boolean indicating success or failure.

Format: ResumeServiceResponse resumeService(ResumeServiceRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
ResumeServiceRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
serviceName String The name of the connection pool.
folderName String The name of the folder where the connection pool is located. By default, this is the root folder.
ResumeServiceResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

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Managing Connection Pools Connection Information Sets

This Web service updates the connection information set cell values.

URL: http://localhost:2380/wsstack/services/ConnectionInfoManager?wsdl

This address is relevant when working with the WS-Stack in local mode. When working in remote mode, you need to update the server address to reflect the WS-Stack server address.

Method getConnectionInfoSet

Returns a GetConnectionInfoSetResponse object which contains a ConnInfoSet object.

Format: GetConnectionInfoSetResponse getConnectionInfoSet (GetConnectionInfoSetRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
GetConnectionInfoSetRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
  password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
connectionInfoName String The name of the connection information set.
GetConnectionInfoSetResponse connectionInfoSet ConnInfoSet Objects which contain the connection information set parameters.

The user name required in this method refers to a user who has ApplinX server Administrator permissions.

ConnInfoSet Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
columns ConnInfoColumn[ ] Array of the connection information columns, not including the ID and Repeat columns.
rows ConnInfoRow[ ] Array of the connection information set rows.

ConnInfoColumns Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
hidden boolean Indicates whether the column is defined as a password column.
type int Indicates the column type: Variables (0), Application fields (1) and Application and connection parameters (2).
name String Column name.

ConnInfoRow Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
cells ConnInfoCell[ ] Array of the cells in a specific row in the connection information set not including the ID and Repeat cells.
Repeat int The value of the repeat cell.
id int The value of the ID cell.

ConnInfoCell Object Attributes

Attribute Format Description
value String The cells's value.
columnName String The cell's column name.
columnType int Indicates the cell's column type: Variables (0), Application fields (1) and Application and connection parameters (2).

Method updateConnectionInfoRow

Returns a UpdateConnectionInfoRowResponse object which contains a boolean indicating whether the update operation succeeded.

Format: UpdateConnectionInfoRowResponse updateConnectionInfoRow(UpdateConnectionInfoRowRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
UpdateConnectionInfoRowRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
connectionInfoName String The name of the connection information set.
row ConnectionInfoRow The row object that contains the information that we wish to update in the connection information set. The following parameters must be set:
  • The ID of the row as it appears in the server.

  • The repeat number: when either updating the repeat number or preserving the number currently set on the server (when this number is not zero).

  • The value of each cell in the ConnInfoCell[]. Caution: Null values will replace existing values on the server.

UpdateConnectionInfoRowResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method addConnectionInfoRow

Returns a AddConnectionInfoRowResponse object which contains a boolean indicating whether the add operation succeeded.

Format: AddConnectionInfoRowResponse addConnectionInfoRow(AddConnectionInfoRowRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
AddConnectionInfoRowRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
connectionInfoName String The name of the connection information set.
row ConnectionInfoRow The row object that contains the information that we wish to update in the connection information set. The following parameters must be set:
  • The ID of the row as it appears in the server.

  • The repeat number: when either updating the repeat number or preserving the number currently set on the server (when this number is not zero).

  • The value of each cell in the ConnInfoCell[]. Caution: Null values will replace existing values on the server.

AddConnectionInfoRowResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

Method removeConnectionInfoRow

Returns a RemoveConnectionInfoRowResponse object which contains a boolean indicating whether the remove operation succeeded.

Format: RemoveConnectionInfoRowResponse removeConnectionInfoRow(RemoveConnectionInfoRowRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
RemoveConnectionInfoRowRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
connectionInfoName String The name of the connection information set.
rowId int The row ID.
RemoveConnectionInfoRowResponse isSuccessful boolean Returns true or false, to indicate the success or failure of the action.

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Managing RPC Connection Pools

This Web service retrieves runtime data regarding existing RPC connection pools and enables resetting the pool.


This address is relevant when working with the WS-Stack in local mode. When working in remote mode, you need to update the server address to reflect the WS-Stack server address.

Method getPoolInformation

Returns a PoolInformationResponse object which contains runtime information regarding the pool manager. resetPool(ProgramPoolRequest request) resets the pool.

Format: PoolInformationResponse getPoolInformation(ProgramPoolRequest request)

Request/Response Parameter Format Description
ProgramPoolRequest username String The name of the user who has the relevant permissions to access ApplinX server.
password String The user's password.
appName String The name of the application on ApplinX server.
PoolInformationResponse availableConnectionsCount int The number of available connections in the pool.
maxPoolSize int The maximum number of connections that can exist in the pool concurrently.
excludedCount int The number of resources that were invalidated but are still in use.
minPoolSize int The minimum number of connections that must exist in a pool.
poolSize int The number of connections that currently exist in the pool.
awaitingCheckinCount int The number of used resources (including the excluded resources).

Method resetPool

This method resets the pool.

Format: resetPool()

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