Universal Messaging 9.8 | Administration Guide | Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager | Management and Monitoring Sections | Management Information
Management Information
Enterprise Summary
Clusters Summary
Clusters Status
Realms Summary
Realm Status
Realm Monitoring
Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Logs Panel
Realm Connections
Threads Status
Audit Panel
Container Status
Container Monitor Panel
Channel Status
Data Group Status
Channel Connections
Queue Status
Interface Status
Each Universal Messaging Administration API client, (the Enterprise Manager is an admin API client) connects to one or more realms and asynchronously consumes status events on all of the objects within each realm.
Status events are sent periodically (between configurable intervals, see Realm Configuration) and contain information pertaining to those objects where activity has occurred.
As each status event is received, the Enterprise Manager is updated with the relevant values and these are displayed on the status panels for each object within the namespace.
Selecting an object from the namespace automatically renders a set of panels to the right of the selected node, one of which is the 'Status' panel. The status panels and their contents are described in the links below.
The Universal Messaging enterprise manager has been written entirely with the Universal Messaging admin API and so the functionality seen in these screens can easily be added to any bespoke administration or monitoring tools.
*Enterprise Summary
*Clusters Summary
*Cluster Status
*Realms Summary
*Realm Status
*Realm Monitoring
*Container Status
*Container Monitor Panel
*Channel Status Information
*Data Group Status Information
*Channel Connections
*Queue Status Information
*Interface Status Information
For more information on other functionality provided in the enterprise manager please refer to the Enterprise Manager guide.

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