Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for webMethods and IBO Products : Using the Software AG Installer : Using the GUI to Install : Specify the Installation Directory
Specify the Installation Directory
For Installation directory, specify the installation directory in which to install your Software AG products. The user that you are using to install must have full read and write permissions to this directory. If the host name is incorrect, you can change it.
Some third-party applications used by Software AG runtime products have limitations regarding spaces in the installation directory. Software AG therefore recommends installing in a directory that does not include spaces. However, if you are installing on a Windows system, you can install some Software AG design-time products in a directory under Program Files; the installer indicates which products. See the product documentation for special considerations when running without administrator privileges.
If you are installing on a Windows system, for Start Menu group name, specify the name to use for the Start menu group for the products you are installing.
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