Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for webMethods and IBO Products : Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products : Register Daemons to Automatically Start and Shut Down Products on UNIX Systems : Register Daemons for Products that Provide rc-scripts but not : Manually Register a Daemon on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x System
Manually Register a Daemon on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x System
1. Log on to the system as the root user.
2. In the /usr/lib/systemd/system directory, create an init-script using the naming convention sagrc-script_name.service (for example, sagis_default98.service). If you need to create multiple init-scripts because you have multiple product instances on the same machine, use the naming convention sagunique_numberrc-script_name.service.
3. Add the content below to the init-script.
# @full_path_to_rc-script@ ID for compatibility.
ExecStart=full_path_to_rc-script start
ExecStop=full_path_to_rc-script stop
4. Register the daemon by running this command:
systemctl enable init-script_name.service
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