Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for webMethods and IBO Products : Using the Software AG Update Manager : Installing Fixes : Create or Add to a Fix Image : Create or Add Fixes to a Fix Image Based on Empower
Create or Add Fixes to a Fix Image Based on Empower
1. In the Action list, select Fix Management and then select Create or add fixes to fix image.
2. Select Choose from: Fixes on Empower.
3. Provide your Empower user name and Password.
4. Complete the Image file name field as follows:
If you are...
Creating an image
Full path to the file in which to save the image. The directory that will contain the image must exist, and no part of the path or file name can include spaces. You can specify any name for the image; do not supply an extension.
Adding fixes to an existing image
Full path to the image file.
5. Select Next. The Update Manager displays the fix selection tree. The tree shows the full list of available fixes on Empower for all products you have licensed from Software AG. If you are adding to an existing image, the tree shows the fixes that are already in the image, selected.
6. Select the fixes to add to the image and select Next. The Update Manager lists the fixes you selected. If there are other fixes that are related to and required by the fixes you selected, the Update Manager lists those fixes as well.
7. Select Next. The Update Manager downloads the fixes into the image.
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