Create the Database User and Storage
This command creates the database user and the two tablespaces (default names) for Oracle:
dbConfigurator.bat -a create -d oracle -c storage -v latest
-l jdbc:wm:oracle://DBserver:1521;serviceName=myservicename -au adminuser
-ap adminpass -u webmuser -p w3bmpass -t tablespace_dir
This command creates the database user and the two tablespaces (custom names) for Oracle:
dbConfigurator.bat -a create -d oracle -c storage -v latest
-l jdbc:wm:oracle://DBserver:1521;serviceName=myservicename -au adminuser
-ap adminpass -u webmuser -p w3bmpass -t tablespace_dir -tsdata MYDATA
-tsindex MYINDEX
This command creates the database and database user for SQL Server:
dbConfigurator.bat -a create -d sqlserver -c storage -v latest
-l jdbc:wm:sqlserver://DBserver:1433;databaseName=master -u webmuser -p w3bmpass
-au sa -ap sa_password -n webmdb
This command creates the buffer pool and tablespaces (default names), and grants permissions for DB2:
dbConfigurator.bat -a create -d db2luw -c storage -v latest
-l jdbc:wm:db2://vmxpdb01:50000;databaseName=amol -u webmuser -au adminuser
-ap admin_password -t tablespace_dir
This command creates the buffer pool and tablespaces (custom names), and grants permissions for DB2:
dbConfigurator.bat -a create -d db2luw -c storage -v latest
-l jdbc:wm:db2://vmxpdb01:50000;databaseName=amol -u webmuser -au adminuser
-ap admin_password -t tablespace_dir -tsdata MYDATA -tsindex MYINDEX
-tsblob MYBLOB -b MYBUFF