Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for webMethods and IBO Products : Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products : Creating and Dropping Database Components : Preparing for Database Component Creation : Character Set and Sort Order : SQL Server
SQL Server
Database schemas for SQL Server use nchar data types. SQL Server provides support for UTF-16 through its nchar data types. Since nchar data types are always in UTF-16, you do not have to perform any special database configuration and can choose the most appropriate code page for your environment as a database character set. Software AG recommends these character sets and sort order:
Software AG recommends...
Character set
The appropriate encoding for the languages your data is in.
Nchar character set
Sort order
Any case-insensitive collation type.
If you do not choose a case-insensitive sort order, you will not be able to create some database components in SQL Server.
You can check the database configuration using the sp_helpdb database stored procedure.
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