Creating and Launching an EC2 Instance
1. Create the EC2 instance from a Software AG-supported operating system image. For information on the operating systems that are supported by your products and by Amazon EC2, see the webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations System Requirements .
Create the EC2 instance with Elastic Block Storage (EBS) boot. EBS (elastic block storage) is a service that provides block-level storage volumes for use with EC2 instances, and provides permanent storage for the data on your EC2 instance. When you use an image with EBS, you can stop and start the instance, and your data is retained across power operation stages. For the latest EBS options for Amazon web services, go to
Note: | Amazon EC2 also offers instance-stored storage, which is disk storage that is physically attached to the host computer for an EC2 instance, and has the same lifespan as the instance. When you use an image with instance-stored storage, however, you can only end an instance by deleting (terminating) the instance entirely, and your data is then lost. Create your EC2 instances with ESB boot instead. |
3. In the EC2 instance wizard, do the following:
b. You do not need to select or modify any advanced EC2 instance options.
c. In the list of key/value pairs, or tags, specify the Name tag. This tag identifies your EC2 instance in the AWS Management Console. Type the unique name to use for the instance in the Value field for the Name key.
Note: | The Name tag identifies your EC2 instance in the AWS Management Console only. It has no relation to the EC2 instance’s machine or host name. |
d. Choose the key pair to use from the list of existing key pairs.
Note: | If you just created the key pair, it might take a few minutes to appear. If the key pair is not yet present, exit the wizard and click Launch Instance again. |
e. Choose the security group to use from the list of existing security groups.
Note: | After you launch the EC2 instance, you will not be able to change to a different security group for the instance. However, you can add, edit, or delete security group rules at any time. |
f. Click Launch to launch the EC2 instance.
4. On the Instances page, wait for the status of the EC2 instance to change to running.
5. If you configured a DNS server (see Configuring a DNS Server), update the DNS server with the EC2 instance’s IP address. Important: | Any time you stop and start the EC2 instance, it will be assigned a new IP address, and you must update your DNS server with that new IP address. |