Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for webMethods and IBO Products : Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products : Running in a Virtualized Environment : Running Your Products in an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Environment : Connecting to the Linux EC2 Instance
Connecting to the Linux EC2 Instance
1. In Linux, open an SSH client such as PuTTY. Connect to the Linux EC2 instance and provide the key pair you obtained earlier. You are logged into the EC2 instance console as the root user.
2. Set up the fully qualified domain name (FQDN, or FQN) for the Linux EC2 instance as follows:
a. Update the machine host name for the EC2 instance to an FQN.
If you configured a DNS server (see Configuring a DNS Server), and you updated your DNS server with this EC2 instance’s IP address, the FQN for the machine host name must exactly match the entry in the DNS server.
b. If you configured a DNS server, update your DNS client configuration file to specify the DNS server.
If you reboot your Linux EC2 instance, Amazon will remove the DNS setting and you will have to update the configuration again.
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