Version 9.8
 —  Reference Guide  —


Host Pattern Elements

Line Pattern


  1. Repeated string (*) + minimum subsequent occurrences (5).

  2. Title (checked).

Input Field Pattern


  1. Accompanying text (User).

  2. Input field’s length (8).

Input Field with Values Pattern


  1. Prefix (a left parenthesis '(' )

  2. Separator (a forward slash '/' )

  3. Suffix (a right parenthesis ')' )

  4. Accompanying text (CONFIRM)

  5. Input field’s length (1)


  1. Prefix (a left parenthesis '(' )

  2. Separator (a comma ',' )

  3. Suffix (a right parenthesis ')' )

  4. Includes description (checked)

  5. Delimiter (a hyphen '-' )

  6. Accompanying text (Year)

  7. Input field’s length (1)

Date Input Field Pattern


  1. Accompanying text (Date of birth)

  2. Date format (single input field)

  3. Date pattern (yyyy-MM-dd)


  1. Indicating text (Report date)

  2. Date format (two input fields)

  3. Date pattern (MM/yyyy)

Menu Pattern


  1. String before leading token (spaces). The leading token is one or more characters that appear in front of the menu item description. These characters are often used by the host, to identify the menu item value. The leading token may be for example a number such as 1, 2, 3, or a letter such as a, b, c. Defining the string that appears in front of the leading token, helps identifying the menu pattern. By default the value of this field is two spaces.

  2. Maximum length leading token (1).

  3. Delimiter (a period '.'). Define one or more possible delimiters. A specific menu will be identified only if it has exactly one type of delimiter, but the same transformation definition can match several different types of menus

  4. String after list item (spaces). Type in the string that appears after the menu item. By default the value of this field is two spaces.

  5. Selection field (current cursor position).

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Transformation Variables and their Attributes

Throughout the Transformation wizard screens, there are a number of fields whose values you can set using variables. The possible available variables that can be used are determined according to the original pattern. There are two types of variables: text variables such as $(text), $(line), $(title) and numeric variables such as $(text.length), $(line.column). You can automatically complete the field to the first variable that matches the text by pressing CTRL+SPACE after ""$(..."". The following table describes the different variables and attributes available for each type of transformation.

Variable Description Available Attributes
$(screen.width) $(screen.height) Used with any of the transformations. Can be useful when positioning elements. NA
Repeating character transformations:
Variable Description Available Attributes
$(line) The original repeated pattern. length, row, column
$(title) The original pattern’s title, when a title was part of the pattern. length, row, column
Text transformations:
Variable Description Available Attributes
$(text) The original text contents of the text pattern. length, row, column
Input field transformations:
Variable Description Available Attributes
$(text) The original accompanying text of the pattern. length, row, column
$(input) The original field input - when relevant, such as a default value of a field. length, row, column
Input field with values transformations:
Variable Description Available Attributes
$(action) The value that is sent as the input. This value indicates the action. NA
$(display) The value that describes the action, this is normally the text that is displayed. NA
$(text) The original accompanying text of the pattern. length, row, column
$(input) The original field input when such an input exists (such as a default value of a field). length, row, column
Menu transformations:
Variable Description Available Attributes
$(action) The token value that is sent as the input. This value indicates the action. NA
$(display) The value that describes the action, this is normally the text that is displayed. NA

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