ApplinX Framework for JSP is based on Java and JSP frameworks standards. ApplinX Framework for .NET is built upon ASP.NET and is available both for C# and for VB.NET. The frameworks provide the following features:
The Base Object supports retrieval and manipulation of host entities such as screens, fields and so on as objects, as well as communication with the host using requests (for executing a navigation path or sending a host key) and error handling using exceptions. Refer to Base Object.
Separation of logic and creation of reusable, self-contained components. Each page contains its own logic, and common logic is encapsulated in components or “building blocks”.
In addition to the server transformations defined using the Transformations wizard, the instant component exposes an API which enables using code transformations. These code transformations allow full flexibility to manipulate the HTML output and implement functionality not provided when using the transformation wizard.
Common framework functionality is divided into easy-to-use methods or “building blocks”. These building blocks are customizable and can be modified and overridden by the developer.
The framework uses standard HTML controls/tags as server controls, allowing straight forward binding to standard HTML. In JSP the framework uses gx HTML tags. In .NET the framework uses HTML controls.
Using eclipse 3.3 (for ApplinX Framework for JSP) or Visual Studio/Express Edition (for .NET) provides a visual designer for your application Web pages.
Pages can be designed by graphical designers or Web designers and easily bound to ApplinX elements. The pages contain only presentation and visual display code, while code implementing logic and data is written in the “code behind” of the page.
ApplinX offers several “user exits” that can be customized for the entire project or per specific pages.
Direct navigation menus using ApplinX Navigation Maps. Web menus supporting direct navigation to screens in the host application can be easily implemented using ApplinX Maps.
“Modal” host windows can be displayed as Web pop-up windows using a built-in, fully customizable framework mechanism.
ApplinX Tables can be easily bound to .NET HTML Table or .NET DataGrid control (.NET) or to an HTML table tag (JSP) and displayed in any desired format (such as graphs) or exported to external tools such as Microsoft Excel.
Easy creation of new ApplinX Web applications. ApplinX Add-In generates Procedure Clients for ApplinX Procedures.
Both JSP and .NET frameworks support clustering in the relevant environments.
Integration with ApplinX folders structure for hierarchically organizing Web pages.
Included with the new ApplinX Framework for JSP is a ready-to-use HTML tag library. The tag library is easy to learn since it uses standard HTML tags and attributes. The tag library contains dynamic content and attributes, while not containing any <%%> code within. All the tags, dynamic content and attributes are managed by the TagsAccessor object, which you can access in the context Java class. You can easily expand the tag library for new tags and new tags’ attributes.
It is recommended to develop the ApplinX Framewor for JSP using Software AG's Designer. The advantages of working with IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
The Web server (e.g. Tomcat) is run within the IDE.
Embedded Java compiler for the context Java classes
Auto-complete code based editors (such as JSP and JAVA)
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