/* Copyright 1999-2011 (c) My-Channels Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors. Use, reproduction, transfer, publication or disclosure is prohibited except as specifically provided for in your License Agreement with Software AG. */ package com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.apps; import com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.*; import com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * Displays live information on thread pools, event status, memory usage, connection status and also the log file. * The user can switch between the information being viewed by pressing a character key for example pressing 'm' will * switch the system to monitoring the memory usage. */ public class nTop implements Runnable, nLogListener{ private static nTop myself = null; private nRealmNode rNode = null; private char option = 'l'; private long totConsumed = -1; private long totPublished = 0; private int refreshRate = 2000; private long totMem = 0; private long freeMem = -1; // initialised to -1 for rate calculations. We do not want to calculate the change in free memory // when there is no previous calculation of free memory so we set the variable to an impossible value for free memory private int curCons = -1; private Object change = new Object(); private long prevTime; /** * This function creates a session based on RNAME and establishes the nRealmNode for that realm */ private void getRealmNode(String RNAME){ try { System.out.print("Establishing realm node..."); nSessionAttributes nsa = new nSessionAttributes(RNAME); nRealmNode rNode = new nRealmNode(nsa); if (!rNode.isAuthorised()) { System.out.println("User not authorised on this node " + nsa); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("done\n"); this.rNode = rNode; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } /** * @return The Vector of thread pool details for the realm */ private Vector getThreadPools() { return rNode.getThreadPoolDetails(); } /** * This method takes a vector of thread pool and prints out information from each in a table * * @param threadPools A vector of thread pools */ private void printThreadPools(Vector threadPools) { System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n"); //The names of the thread pools vary in size, to longest name is 23 characters. In case other names are //added at a later date, this length variable can be adjusted int nameLength = 25; System.out.print("Name"); //this function is used to print multiple spaces at a time for alignment purposes printSpaces(nameLength - 4); System.out.println("Idle Allocated Queued Tasks"); printSpaces(nameLength); System.out.println("Threads Threads Tasks Executed\n"); Iterator it = threadPools.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { nThreadPool thread = (nThreadPool) it.next(); int idle = thread.getIdle(); String name = thread.getName(); int queue = thread.getQueue(); int size = thread.getSize(); long total = thread.getTotal(); System.out.print(name + " "); printSpaces(nameLength - name.length()); System.out.println(idle + "\t " + size + "\t " + queue + "\t " + total); } } /** * The class nTop implements nLogListener. By adding this class as a listener of the rNode, whenever a new * log entry is added to the rNode, the report method is called which prints out the log. */ private void getLog(){ rNode.addLogListener(this); } /** * This method is called when a new log entry is added to the realm * @param rep The log entry */ public void report(String rep){ System.out.println(rep); } /** * Prints information on the events in the realm */ private void printEventsTable(){ System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n"); long conPerSec = 0; long pubPerSec = 0; /** * if totConsumed is -1 then it means this is the first iteration of calculating the subscribers and consumers * therefore it is not possible to calculate the rate at which consumers and subscribers are increasing/decreasing */ if(totConsumed != -1){ long timeChange = System.currentTimeMillis() - prevTime; conPerSec = (rNode.getTotalSubscribed()-totConsumed)/(timeChange/1000); pubPerSec = (rNode.getTotalPublished()-totPublished)/(timeChange/1000); } prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); totConsumed = rNode.getTotalSubscribed(); totPublished = rNode.getTotalPublished(); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~Event Status~~~~~~~\n"); System.out.println("Consumed - "+totConsumed+"\n"); System.out.println("Published - "+totPublished+"\n"); System.out.println("Consumed/sec - "+conPerSec+"\n"); System.out.println("Published/sec - "+pubPerSec+"\n"); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); } /** * This method resets variables back to there initial values each time the option variable is changed. This is * necessary so that for example the consumed/sec rate is not calculated based on previous values. */ private void reset(){ totConsumed = -1; totPublished = -1; freeMem = -1; curCons = -1; //try to remove the logListener. A log listener may not have been added however so must catch exception if it //has not. try{ rNode.delLogListener(this); } catch(Exception e){}; } /** * This method prints the details of memory usage */ private void printMemoryUsage(){ System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n"); long change = 0; if(freeMem !=-1){ if( (change = rNode.getFreeMemory() - freeMem) <0){ change = freeMem - rNode.getFreeMemory(); } } freeMem = rNode.getFreeMemory(); long usedMem = totMem - freeMem; /** * dividing by (1024*1024) gives the values in terms of mega bytes */ System.out.println("~~Memory Usage (M)~~\n"); System.out.println("Total - "+(totMem/(1024*1024))); System.out.println("Free - "+(freeMem/(1024*1024))); System.out.println("Used - "+(usedMem/(1024*1024))); System.out.println("Change - "+(change/(1024*1024))); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); } /** * Prints details of connections to the realm. */ private void printConnectionStatus(){ System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\n"); long totCons = rNode.getTotalConnections(); double rate = 0; if(curCons != -1){ long timeChange = System.currentTimeMillis() - prevTime; //must cast to double otherwise the result of 3/2 = 1 rather than 1.5 rate = (double)(rNode.getCurrentConnections() - curCons)/(double)(timeChange/1000); } curCons = rNode.getCurrentConnections(); prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("~~Connection Status~~\n"); System.out.println("Total - "+totCons); System.out.println("Current - "+curCons); System.out.println("Rate - "+rate); //System.out.println("Allowed - In config"); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); } /** * In order to align the tables being printed, it is often necessary to print out multiple spaces based on the length * of a name for example. * @param length The number of spaces to be printed. */ private void printSpaces(int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { System.out.print(" "); } } /** * This method gives details of how to use the program. It describes what information is displayed when certain keys * are pressed. */ private void helpMessage(){ System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); System.out.println(" nTop [refreshRate] \n"); System.out.println("In order to view different Information, press one of the"); System.out.println("character keys specified below"); char plural = ' '; if(refreshRate != 1000){ plural = 's'; } System.out.println("All information is updated every "+(refreshRate/1000)+" second"+plural+". Once you"); System.out.println("have chosen an option and the information is displayed,"); System.out.println("simply press another character key to change the"); System.out.println("information shown.\n"); System.out.println("t : realm thread pools"); System.out.println("e : event status"); System.out.println("m : memory usage"); System.out.println("c : connection status"); System.out.println("l : log file"); System.out.println("h : show this help message"); System.out.println("q : exit the system\n"); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); } /** * Initially prints the help message to show the user the options available then reads the option from the input * and start a thread to display the required information. The method then monitors the keyboard for key presses * and updates the option variable depending on the input character. */ private void doit(){ helpMessage(); BufferedReader bis = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(System.in) ); int buffer='\n'; while(buffer == '\n'){ try { buffer = bis.read(); option = Character.toLowerCase((char)buffer); } catch ( Exception read ) { System.exit(1); } } Thread screenWriter = new Thread(this); screenWriter.setDaemon(true); screenWriter.start(); while(true){ try { buffer = bis.read(); if(buffer != '\n'){ reset(); option = Character.toLowerCase((char)buffer); /** * The information will refresh every refreshRate milliseconds however, if the user requests to see new * information, then they should not have to wait refreshRate milliseconds for the new information to appear. * To solve this, rather than the thread sleeping, it waits for a maximum of refreshrate milliseconds and * then continues. If within this time the option is changed, we notify the thread here and it immediately * continues */ synchronized (change){ change.notify(); } } } catch ( Exception read ) { read.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } /** * When a new thread is started, this method is called. The thread displays information depending on the character * in the option variable. */ public void run(){ while (true){ switch (option){ case 't' : { Vector threadPools = getThreadPools(); printThreadPools(threadPools); break; } case 'e' : { printEventsTable(); break; } //The logListener will print to the screen everytime a new log report is received. Therefore it is not //necessary to continue looping calling getLog() hence the option is set to X case 'l' : { getLog(); option = 'X'; break; } case 'm' : { printMemoryUsage(); break; } case 'c' : { printConnectionStatus(); break; } case 'h' :{ helpMessage(); //The help message will not update so only needs to be printed once hence the option variable is changed to X. option = 'X'; break; } case 'q' : { System.out.println("System exiting"); System.exit(0); } //This case can only be reached if the code sets option to X. If the user enters X into the terminal, //it will be converted to lower case. This means the X case can be used whenever //you want to print something only once rather than in the loop but you want the loop to continue. case 'X' :{ break; } default :{ helpMessage(); option = 'X'; } } /** * the thread waits for a maximum of refreshRate milliseconds then continues (loops again and refreshes the * information). The thread may continue before this time is up if it received notification. */ synchronized(change){ try{ change.wait(refreshRate); } catch(InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * This program displays status information for the realm specified in the environment variable RNAME. The * information displayed on screen refreshes according to a program parameter (default:1000ms). Once the program is * running, the user can press keys to change the information being displayed. * @param args An array of program parameters */ public static void main(String[] args) { myself = new nTop(); if ((args.length != 0)){ if(args[0].equals("-?")){ usageEnv(); System.exit(1); } else { try{ myself.refreshRate = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch(Exception e){ //If the paramater entered is not a numerical value the usage will be printed out usage(); System.exit(1); } } } /** * The RNAME variable is required as an environment variable, if the RNAME is not specifed then the * program cannot proceed. In this situation the usageEnv function is called and the system exits. */ String RNAME = null; if (System.getProperty("RNAME") != null) { RNAME = System.getProperty("RNAME"); } else { usageEnv(); System.exit(1); } //this function establishes a realm node and assigns it to global variable called rNode myself.getRealmNode(RNAME); //update total memory as this value is constant myself.totMem = myself.rNode.getTotalMemory(); myself.doit(); try{ myself.rNode.close(); } catch(Exception e){} //Close any other sessions within this JVM so that we can exit nSessionFactory.shutdown ( ); } private static void usage(){ System.out.println("Usage...\n"); System.out.println("nTop [refreshRate]"); System.out.println( "\n[Optional Arguments] \n"); System.out.println( "[refreshRate] - the rate at which the information is reloaded on screen (milliseconds) \n"); System.out.println( "\n\nNote: -? provides help on environment variables \n"); } /** * If the environment variables are not correctly specified or the user requests informations, this method * will print the correct usage for the environment variables */ private static void usageEnv() { System.out.println( "\n\n(Environment Variables) \n"); System.out.println( "(RNAME) - One or more RNAME entries in the form protocol://host:port"); System.out.println( " protocol - Can be one of nsp, nhp, nsps, or nhps, where:"); System.out.println( " nsp - Specifies Nirvana Socket Protocol (nsp)"); System.out.println( " nhp - Specifies Nirvana HTTP Protocol (nhp)"); System.out.println( " nsps - Specifies Nirvana Socket Protocol Secure (nsps), i.e. using SSL/TLS"); System.out.println( " nhps - Specifies Nirvana HTTP Protocol Secure (nhps), i.e. using SSL/TLS"); System.out.println( " port - The port number of the server"); System.out.println( "\nHint: - For multiple RNAME entries, use comma separated values which will be attempted in connection weight order\n"); System.out.println( "(LOGLEVEL) - This determines how much information the nirvana api will output 0 = verbose 7 = quiet\n"); System.out.println( "(CKEYSTORE) - If using SSL, the location of the keystore containing the client cert\n"); System.out.println( "(CKEYSTOREPASSWD) - If using SSL, the password for the keystore containing the client cert\n"); System.out.println( "(CAKEYSTORE) - If using SSL, the location of the ca truststore\n"); System.out.println( "(CAKEYSTOREPASSWD) - If using SSL, the password for the ca truststore\n"); System.out.println( "(HPROXY) - HTTP Proxy details in the form proxyhost:proxyport, where:"); System.out.println( " proxyhost - The HTTP proxy host"); System.out.println( " proxyport - The HTTP proxy port\n"); System.out.println( "(HAUTH) - HTTP Proxy authentication details in the form user:pass, where:"); System.out.println( " user - The HTTP proxy authentication username"); System.out.println( " pass - The HTTP proxy authentication password\n"); System.exit(1); } }