Copyright 1999-2011 (c) My-Channels
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors.

Use, reproduction, transfer, publication or disclosure is prohibited except as specifically provided for in your License Agreement with Software AG.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using com.pcbsys.nirvana.client;

namespace com.pcbsys.nirvana.apps

    public class findChannelsAndQueues : nSampleApp

        private static findChannelsAndQueues mySelf = null;

        private const int sChannels = 0;
        private const int sQueues = 1;

        private const int sPersist = 0;
        private const int sMixed = 1;
        private const int sReliable = 2;
        private const int sSimple = 3;
        private const int sTransient = 4;

        private static int[,] mySummary = new int[2, 5];

        ///   <summary> This class demonstrates the Nirvana API calls necessary to locate multiple nChannel and nQueue objects in 1 method call
        ///   </summary>
        ///   <param name="realmDetails"> a String[] containing the possible RNAME values </param>
        ///   <param name="names"> a String[] containing the names of the channels / queue objects
        ///   </param>
        private void doit(string[] realmDetails, string[] names)


                nChannelAttributes[] att = new nChannelAttributes[names.Length];
                for (int x = 0; x < att.Length; x++)
                    att[x] = new nChannelAttributes(names[x]);
                IEnumerable<nFindResult> arr = mySession.find(att);
                if (arr != null)
                    foreach (nFindResult res in arr)
            //Handle errors
            catch (nSessionPausedException ex1)
            catch (Exception se)
                Console.WriteLine("Insufficient permissions for the requested operation.");
                Console.WriteLine("Please check the ACL settings on the server.");
            catch (Exception ex)

        protected override void processArgs(String[] args)
            // Need a min of 2, rname, channel names
            if (args.Length < 2)
            String RNAME = args[0]; ;

            string[] channelNames = new string[args.Length - 1];

            for (int x = 1; x < args.Length; x++)
                channelNames[x - 1] = args[x];
            mySelf.doit(parseRealmProperties(RNAME), channelNames);

        static void Main(string[] args)

            //Create an instance for this class
            mySelf = new findChannelsAndQueues();

                //Display the details of channels and queues in all known realm
            catch (Exception ex)
            int grandTotal;
            int count = 0;

            int idx = sQueues;
            Console.WriteLine("Queue Summary");
            Console.WriteLine("  Transient  : " + mySummary[idx, sTransient]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Simple     : " + mySummary[idx, sSimple]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Reliable   : " + mySummary[idx, sReliable]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Persistent : " + mySummary[idx, sPersist]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Mixed      : " + mySummary[idx, sMixed]);
            Console.Write("\nTotal Queues = ");
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                count += mySummary[sQueues, x];
            grandTotal = count;
            idx = sChannels;
            Console.WriteLine("\nChannel Summary");
            Console.WriteLine("  Transient  : " + mySummary[idx, sTransient]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Simple     : " + mySummary[idx, sSimple]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Reliable   : " + mySummary[idx, sReliable]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Persistent : " + mySummary[idx, sPersist]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Mixed      : " + mySummary[idx, sMixed]);
            Console.Write("\nTotal Channels = ");
            count = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                count += mySummary[sChannels, x];
            grandTotal += count;
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGrand Total    = " + grandTotal + "\n\n");

        ///   <summary> This method displays the details of a channel found in a realm
        ///   </summary>
        ///   <param name="results"> the attributes for the channel </param>
        private void displayFindResultDetails(nFindResult results)
            if (!results.wasSuccessful())
            else if (results.isChannel())
                nChannel chan = results.getChannel();
            else if (results.isQueue())
                nQueue queue = results.getQueue();

        private void displayChannelDetails(nChannelAttributes attr)
            int idx = sChannels;
            string type = "Channel";
            if (attr.getChannelMode() == nChannelAttributes.QUEUE_MODE)
                type = "Queue  ";
                idx = sQueues;
            Console.WriteLine("  Type is a " + type);
            Console.WriteLine("  " + type + " Name         : " + attr.getName());
            Console.WriteLine("  " + type + " Capacity     : " + attr.getMaxEvents());
            Console.WriteLine("  " + type + " Time to live : " + attr.getTTL());
            string store = "";
            switch (attr.getType())
                case nChannelAttributes.MIXED_TYPE:
                    store = "MIXED";
                    mySummary[idx, sMixed]++;
                case nChannelAttributes.PERSISTENT_TYPE:
                    store = "PERSISTENT";
                    mySummary[idx, sPersist]++;
                case nChannelAttributes.RELIABLE_TYPE:
                    store = "RELIABLE";
                    mySummary[idx, sReliable]++;
                case nChannelAttributes.SIMPLE_TYPE:
                    store = "SIMPLE";
                    mySummary[idx, sSimple]++;
                case nChannelAttributes.TRANSIENT_TYPE:
                    store = "TRANSIENT";
                    mySummary[idx, sTransient]++;
            Console.WriteLine("  " + type + " Storage type : " + store);
            nStoreProperties props = attr.getProperties();
            Console.WriteLine("Displaying Store Properties:");
            if (props.getClientMergeEngineClassname() != null)
                Console.WriteLine("\tClient Merge Engine Classname : " + props.getClientMergeEngineClassname());
            if (props.getFanoutArchiveTarget() != null)
                Console.WriteLine("\tFanout Archive Target : " + props.getFanoutArchiveTarget());
            Console.WriteLine("\tCache on reload : " + props.getCacheOnReload());
            if (props.canSyncOnEachWrite())
                Console.WriteLine("\tSync file system on write : " + props.canSyncOnEachWrite());
                Console.WriteLine("\tSync batch size : " + props.getSyncMaxBatchSize());
                Console.WriteLine("\tSync batch time : " + props.getSyncBatchTime());

            Console.WriteLine("\tCache enabled : " + props.getEnableCaching());
            if (props.getEnableReadBuffering())
                Console.WriteLine("\tBuffered read enabled : " + props.getEnableReadBuffering());
                Console.WriteLine("\tRead Buffer size : " + props.getReadBufferSize());

            Console.WriteLine("\tHonour capacity when full : " + props.getHonorCapacityWhenFull());
            Console.WriteLine("\tAutomatic maintenance enabled : " + props.getPerformAutomaticMaintenance());

            Console.WriteLine("  Displaying Publish Keys");
            nChannelPublishKeys[] keys = attr.getPublishKeys();
            if (keys != null && keys.Length > 0)
                for (int x = 0; x < keys.Length; x++)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Key " + keys[x].getName() + " depth " + keys[x].getDepth());
            Console.WriteLine("  End Of Publish Keys");

        private void displayException(nFindResult result)
            Console.WriteLine("  Request generated an exception for " + result.getAttributes().getName());
            Console.WriteLine("   : " + result.getException().Message);

        ///   <summary> Prints the usage string for this class </summary>
        private static void Usage()

            Console.WriteLine("Usage ...\n");
            Console.WriteLine("findChannelsAndQueues <RNAME> <name> <name> <name>.....\n");

            Console.WriteLine("<Required Arguments> \n");
            Console.WriteLine("<RNAME> - The RNAME of the realm you wish to connect to");
            Console.WriteLine("<name> - The name(s) of the channels to find");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nNote: -? provides help on environment variables \n");

    } // End of findChannelAndQueues Class
