Optimize for Infrastructure Version 9.7
 —  Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems  —

Tracing the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors

This document covers the following topics:

Activating the Trace

You activate the trace by configuring the ETS Resource Module settings of the Infrastructure Data Collector. For detailed information, see Defining ETS Resource Module Settings in the Configuring BAM guide.

You can change the value of the Trace Level property to any value described below. The default value is 4 (debug).

If an Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile is not created, the default trace level for the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors is the trace level provided by the Infrastructure Data Collector. This trace level can be overwritten by the TRACE parameter in the Adabas/Natural Data Collector profile. A change in the profile trace settings comes into effect with the next discovery or when the RPC server is restarted. See Collector Trace.

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Trace Levels

The trace levels used by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors are listed in the table below. In general, a higher trace level also contains the information of the lower trace levels. For example, if you select trace level 3 (info), error messages and warnings are also logged.

It is recommended that you use at least trace level 2 (warning) so that error messages and warnings are logged. For a production environment, trace level 3 (info) is a good choice. It generates a spare log of the load of the data collectors. Higher trace levels can produce a lot of output. Therefore, they should only be used over short periods of time when analyzing the discovered or monitored data.

The Adabas and Natural Data Collector event maps contain KPIs (AdabasCollectorTrace and NaturalCollectorTrace) that indicate the currently used trace level. See Data Collector - Adabas and Data Collector - Natural in the section Monitored KPI Definitions and Built-In Rules.

Level Name Description
0 Critical error Log critical errors. Currently not used.
1 Error Log error messages.
2 Warning Log warnings.
3 Info (summary) Log a summary information line for each call to the Collector.
4 Debug Not used by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors.
5 Instances General information, plus compact list of the discovered and monitored component instances.
6 Details (KPIs) Detailed list of the discovered and monitored component instances and of the monitored KPIs.
7 Product-specific Write product-specific trace data.
8 Input data Log input data.
9 Success messages Write success messages.
10 Full trace Write more detailed product-specific trace data.

Detailed information on the trace levels used by the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors is provided in the following topics:

Critical Errors

Trace level: 0

If the trace level is set to "0", only critical errors are logged. Currently, there is no such error situation in the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. Therefore, the trace level "0" switches logging off completely.

Errors and Warnings

Trace level: 1 and 2

If the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors encounter an error or warning, a message is written to the log file. The message looks similar to the following:

Client:Port ------------- Optimize Discovery Messages ----- 2010-11-03 16:53:38
Error-1 => DISNSC  : Invalid Natural Security file 00251/00018 (NAT3148 from NAT42028).   
------------------------------- End of Messages -------------------------------

The message header line contains the client (host) name, the IDC port, whether this is a discovery or monitoring message, and the date. An error or warning message line starts with the error or warning count and displays the program which encountered the error and the error/warning message itself.

Information Trace

Trace level: 3

When the information trace (level 3) is active, an information line is logged for each call to the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. The information line looks similar to the following:

Discover Natural 2010-11-04 09:04:53 E-Maps:   11 Insts:    87 Time:     0.7   Server Client:Port
Monitor  Natural 2010-11-04 09:10:35 E-Maps:   87 Facts:   943 Time:     0.2   Server Client:Port

Each line contains the following information:

Instance Trace

Trace level: 5

When the instance trace (level 5) is active, general information and the list of instances is logged.

For the discovery, the general information looks as follows:

------------------------------ Optimize Discovery -----------------------------
Collector ...............: Server                                              
Client ..................: Client                                              
IDC Port ................: Port
Server ..................: Server                                              
Asset type ..............: Natural                                             
Environment .............: Natural MF CICS (global)                            
Host ....................: daeplex_daef                                        
Natural library .........: SYSEDM                                              
SYSEDM version ..........: 2.0020
Client version ..........: 2     
Trace level .............: 5                                                   
Number of Event Maps ....: 11                                                  
Number of Instances .....: 87                                                  
Max number of Instances .: 64                                                  
Elapsed Time ............: 0.2                                                 
Errors ..................: 0
Warnings ................: 0
Response ................: 0                                                   
Date ....................: 2010-11-04 10:25:22                  

For the monitoring, the general information looks as follows:

----------------------------- Optimize Monitoring -----------------------------
Collector ...............: Server                                              
Client ..................: Client                                              
IDC Port ................: Port
Server ..................: Server                                              
Asset type ..............: Natural                                             
Host ....................: daeplex_daef                                        
Natural library .........: SYSEDM                                              
SYSEDM version ..........: 2.0020
Client version ..........: 2     
Trace level .............: 5                                                   
Number of Event Maps ....: 87                                                  
Number of Facts .........: 943 
Maximum number of Facts .: 15                                                  
Elapsed Time ............: 0.4                                                 
Errors ..................: 0
Warnings ................: 0
Response ................: 0                                                   
Date ....................: 2010-11-04 17:21:39                       

The general information includes the following:

The general information is also logged for higher trace levels.

The list of instances looks as follows:

---------------------------------- Instances ------------------------------- In
daeplex_daef.Natural Collector.Server                                         1
daeplex_daef.Natural Editor.QA42_QA42EDIT                                     2
daeplex_daef.Natural CICS.DAEFCIA1_QA420CB                                    3
daeplex_daef.Natural CICS.DAEFCIA1_QA420CB.Thread Group QA420G01              4
daeplex_daef.Natural Roll Server.QA42_QAROLL42                                5

The list shows the discovered or monitored component instances. On the right side, the component instances (In) are counted.

Detailed Trace

Trace level: 6

When the detailed trace (level 6) is active, the following information is logged during the discovery:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ev
Event Map: NaturalCICS                                                        1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In
daeplex_daef.Natural CICS.DAEFCIA1_QA420CB                                    1

The following information is logged during the monitoring:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ev
Event Map: NaturalCICS                                                        1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- At
HostName                       daeplex_daef                                   1
Product                        Natural CICS                                   2
NaturalCICS                    DAEFCIA1_QA420CB                               3
NCIState                       1                                              4
NCISirBlockExtension           4                                              5
NCISystemDirectoryRecoveries   0                                              6
NCISystemStartTime             2010-11-03 07:39:51                            7
NCIThreadGroups                1                                              8
NCIUsersActive                 16                                             9
NCIUsersActiveMax              21                                            10
------------------------------ End of Monitoring ------------------------------

The detailed trace consists of a general part and of event map-specific parts. The general part is described under Instance Trace.

The event map-specific part of the discovery displays the event map name, the dimensions and the component instances discovered for the event map. For the monitoring, it displays the event map name and the name and value of each KPI monitored. Note that the trace always shows non-delta values which can be compared with values displayed in product-specific statistic tools (such as SYSBPM). The delta values displayed in Optimize are calculated in the Infrastructure Data Collector from two succeeding values that are returned by the Adabas Data Collector or by the Natural Data Collector.

On the right side, the event maps (Ev) are counted. For each event map, the component instances (In) or fact attributes (At) are counted additionally.

Product-Specific Trace

Trace level: 7

When the product-specific trace (level 7) is active, product-specific information is written to the log messages. In addition, the elapsed time spent to discover or monitor product-specific data is logged. The log entries look as follows:

Environment: Adabas MF                                           
OP3DISC : DISCOLL  - Event maps: 1 Instances: 1 Dimensions: 3 Time: 0.0       
DISADA2 : ADATMZ-GSVC: Version: 8.2.2 SVCs found: 25             
DISADA2 : Adabas: 00010 (FNAT database) opened. Version: 08.01.04

The first line shows the SYSEDM environment (depends on the asset and platform).

In general, each of the following lines starts with the name of the program which has written the log entry. The second line (written by OP3DISC) shows the number of event maps, instances and dimensions returned by the program DISCOLL ("discover collector") and the elapsed time spent in that program. A similar log is written by OP3MONI for the monitoring. The other lines in the above example (written by DISADA2) contain Adabas-specific trace data.

Input Data Trace

Trace level: 8

When the input data trace (level 8) is active during the discovery, the values read from the profile are logged.

Read Profile Parameter NSC, entries: 3 

During monitoring, the components and KPIs selected in Optimize are logged. On the right side, the event maps (Ev), component instances (In) and KPIs (Kp) are counted.

------------------------------------ Input --------------------------------- Ev
Event Map: NaturalCICS                                                        1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In
Selected Instances:                                                           
daeplex_daef.Natural CICS.DAEFCIA1_QA420CB                                    1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kp
Selected KPIs:       
NCIState                                                                      1
NCISirBlockExtension                                                          2
NCISystemDirectoryRecoveries                                                  3
NCISystemStartTime                                                            4
NCIThreadGroups                                                               5
NCIUsersActive                                                                6
NCIUsersActiveMax                                                             7

Success Messages Trace

Trace level: 9

When the success messages trace (level 9) is active, product-specific information regarding successful operations is written to the log messages. The log entries look as follows:

MONADA  : Adabas Server: 00010 AC8SYS: Calls: 215655350      
MONADA  : Adabas Server: 00010 AC8STR: CPU-time: 22518       
MONADA  : Adabas Server: 00010 AC8PRM: Threads: 15           
MONADA  : Adabas Server: 00010 AC8DCQ: Command Queue: 33/150

Full Trace

Trace level: 10

The full trace (level 10) contains all trace information of the Adabas and Natural Data Collectors. It contains additional information such as unsuccessful operations. The log entries look as follows:

NSRVLIST: NDV Server DAEFNDV    (7315) - RC 12: O4I interface not implemented
NSRVLIST: NDV Server DAEFNDV4   (7319) - RC 12: O4I interface not implemented

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Location of the Log File


The trace data is written to the primary output destination of Natural. In batch, this is the CMPRINT data set of the Natural RPC server job. In CICS, this is the sender destination (data set of the CICS job). If the output fails, the trace is suppressed.

UNIX and Windows

The trace data is written to a work file which has the following name:


where asset is the name of the asset (Adabas or Natural), server is the name of the RPC server, and yyyymmdd is the current date.

Thus, for each asset and each RPC server, you will find one log file per day. The log file is allocated when the first entry is written to the file.

The log file is allocated in the temporary Natural directory which has been defined in the local Natural configuration file. For more information on the Natural temporary directory, see Installation Assignments in the Configuration Utility documentation which is provided for Natural for UNIX and Natural for Windows.

If a temporary Natural directory has not been defined in the local configuration file, the log file is stored in the directory defined by the UNIX or Windows environment variable TEMP or, if TEMP is not defined, in the directory defined by the environment variable TMP. If none of the above is defined, the trace is written to the output of the RPC server. If this fails, the trace is suppressed.

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