Versioning in CentraSite vs. Versioning in Source Code Control Systems (SCCS)
An instance of an asset in CentraSite represents the finished deliverable that was produced (or will be produced) by a specific development project or release cycle. CentraSite is not intended to be used to chronicle every incremental build or internal version of an asset that a team of developers generates during a development cycle. However, when you register an asset in CentraSite, you might want to include in its metadata an attribute that identifies the asset's corresponding set of files in the source-control system. For example, when you place a service in production, you might want to attach a build number, branch ID or submission label to the asset in CentraSite to identify the specific set of source-code files that the asset represents. You could define a custom attribute to hold this identifier or you could use the user-assigned version identifier for this purpose.