Refresh Intervals for Portlets
The content in your portlet may need to be refreshed periodically if you are examining real-time data. You can reset the refresh intervals for individual portlets on your Welcome page.
Use the following procedure to reset the refresh interval for individual portlets in your Welcome page.
To reset the refresh interval for a portlet in your Welcome page
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access your Welcome page. If you need procedures for this step, see Viewing Your Portlets. 2. Locate the portlet that you want to modify.
3. Click on the Settings () icon and select the Configure action from its drop-down menu. 4. Expand the Advanced Settings node and specify the Refresh Interval field as required.
5. After you have made the required changes, click the OK button.
Note: | If at any time you wish to abandon all your changes and return to your previous screen, just click the Cancel button. |