CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Working with Organizations, Users, Groups and Roles : Working with Organizations : Introduction
The CentraSite Business UI allows you to view, add, manage and delete organizations. Each organization that you add is stored in the CentraSite registry as an object of the type Organization.
The typical information that you store for an organization includes:
*general information about the organization, such as the organization's name, the description of the organization, the contact person for the organization and the address of the organization's web site.
*the CentraSite users who belong to the organization, as well as any group or role assignments.
*details of any child organizations of the organization.
Users with the Manage Organizations system-level permission (such as the users with the role CentraSite Administrator) can perform all of the above actions on any organization. Users with the Organization Administrator organization-level role for a given organization can perform all of the above actions on that organization.
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