Example of a Notify API Key Generation Email Template |
<html> Congratulations! ${policycontext.consumer.name},<br/><br/> Your Consumption Request for the API ${entity.name} on ${request.date} has been processed successfully. <br/> You can now access the API using the API Key - <b> ${policycontext.apikey} </b>. The key expires on <b> ${apikey.expirationdate} </b><br/><br/> <b>Information about API usage:</b> <br>${api.usage}</br> </html> |
Set this parameter... | To specify... |
{policycontext.consumer.name} | Name of the consumer. |
{entity.name} | Name of the API. |
{request.date} | Date of the request for API consumption. |
{policycontext.apikey} | The API key. |
{apikey.expirationdate} | Expiration date of the API key. |
{api.usage} | Usage tips for the API key. |