CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Working with Email Notifications : Custom Email Template : Create Email Templates for Workflow Notifications
Create Email Templates for Workflow Notifications
You can use a specific email template for each workflow that you create. For example, if you have an API Consumption Approval workflow, you can use an email template that was written specifically for the API consumption approval.
Complete the following procedures to create a custom email template.
1. Create your own custom HTML email template.
Your HTML document should include the <html> and <label> tags as shown in the example below.
Example of a Notify API Key Generation Email Template
Congratulations! ${policycontext.consumer.name},<br/><br/>
Your Consumption Request for the API ${entity.name} on ${request.date}
has been processed successfully. <br/>
You can now access the API using the API Key -
<b> ${policycontext.apikey} </b>.
The key expires on <b> ${apikey.expirationdate} </b><br/><br/>
<b>Information about API usage:</b>
2. Specify the key parameters.
Set this parameter...
To specify...
Name of the consumer.
Name of the API.
Date of the request for API consumption.
The API key.
Expiration date of the API key.
Usage tips for the API key.
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