CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Working with Design/Change-Time Policies : Working with Email Notifications : Setting the Email-Related Parameters in an Email Notification Action
Setting the Email-Related Parameters in an Email Notification Action
Actions that send email notifications to users (such as the Send Email Notification action) require you to specify the following input parameters.
Set this parameter...
To specify...
— AND/OR —
The users to whom the email message is to be sent. You can use the Users parameter to specify individual users, the Groups parameter to specify groups of users, or both.
The text that will appear on the subject line of the email.
Use Email Template
— OR —
Custom Message
The body of the message. You can specify the body of the email by typing a message directly into the Custom Message parameter or by using an email template. For more information about using these options, see Using a Custom Message in an Email Notification Action and Using Email Templates with Policy Actions.
You can include substitution tokens in the subject line and/or the body of the email message. Substitution tokens enable you to incorporate run-time information into the email. For example, you can use the ${user.name} token to insert (into the email message or the subject line) the name of the user who triggered the policy. For a complete list of the supported substitution tokens, see the description of the action Send Email Notification in the CentraSite Developer’s Guide .
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