CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Managing Governance Rules : Working with Run-Time Policies : Supported Asset Type and Action Combinations
Supported Asset Type and Action Combinations
Not all virtual asset types support the full set of actions. Some actions execute only with a certain type of virtual assets. For example, a Require Encryption action executes only on Virtual Service asset type. If you create a run-time policy whose scope applies to Virtual REST Service asset type, that policy action definition will not include the Require Encryption action.
The following table identifies the actions that each virtual asset type supports:
Virtual Service
Virtual REST Service
Virtual XML Service
Log Invocation
Monitor Service Level Agreement
Monitor Service Performance
Authorize User
Evaluate Client Certificate for SSL Connectivity
Evaluate Hostname
Evaluate HTTP Basic Authentication
Evaluate IP Address
Evaluate OAuth2 Token
Evaluate WSS Username Token
Evaluate WSS X.509 Certificate
Evaluate XPath Expression
Require Encryption
Require Signing
Require SSL
Require Timestamps
Require WSS SAML Token
Throttling Traffic Optimization
Validate Schema
For detailed descriptions of these built-in run-time actions, see the document Run-Time Governance with CentraSite .
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