Fetching Taxonomies
The following example shows how to fetch taxonomies, using the Taxonomy API.
//RegistryConfiguration containing the host, port,
//userId and password to connect to registry
RegistryConfiguration regConfig =
new RegistryConfiguration("hostName", "port", "userId", "password");
//Creating the RegistryService using RegistryConfiguration
RegistryService regService =
//connecting to registry. This method will fetch the
//AuthToken using get_authTokenAPI
//Getting the taxonomy soap service which is used fetch the taxonomies
UDDI_Taxonomy_SoapService taxonomySoapService =
//Constructing the get_conceptDetail request
GetConceptDetail getConceptDetail = new GetConceptDetail();
//Fetching the NAICS taxonomy
getConceptDetail.setConceptKey(new String[]
//Using UDDI_Taxonomy_SoapService we are fetching the
//taxonomies from CentraSite registry
ConceptDetail conceptDetail =