CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer’s Guide : Access via UDDI : UDDI V3 APIs : Examples : Getting the Proxy Services for a Specified Target
Getting the Proxy Services for a Specified Target
The following example shows how to get the proxy services for a specified target.
//Creating configuration object with host, port
//and user credentials of the registry
RegistryConfiguration regConfig =
new RegistryConfiguration("localhost",
"53307", "DefaultUser", "PwdFor_CS21");
//Creating registry service instance using the RegistryConfiguration
RegistryService regService =
//connection is made (get_authToken will be issued to registry)
//Getting the RegistryAgent instance using RegistryService
RegistryAgent registryAgent = regService.getRegistryAgent();
//Getting the ServiceInfos which will contain
//a list of the services deployed in the "Actional" target
ServiceInfos proxyServices =
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