Rich Text Attributes
For tModels and instanceDetails, Rich Text attributes are represented in a uddi:overviewDoc element, as follows.
Detailed Description
<overviewUrl useType="">
For all other UDDI objects, especially uddi:business and uddi:businessService, a modified, UDDI-conformant uddi:keyedReferenceGroup approach provides more flexibility. However, the document referencing semantics cannot be interpreted by a standard UDDI client. Therefore, for Rich Text attributes a dedicated uddi:keyedReferenceGroup is introduced, as follows:
<keyedReferenceGroup tModelKey="">
keyName="Detailed Description"
keyValue="http://... "/>
The uddi:tModelKey is pointing to, to make the uddi:keyName meaningful. The uddi:keyValue points to the URL of the rich text. All uddi:keyedReferences representing a rich text attribute are stored in a single uddi:keyedReferenceGroup.