CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Using the Asset Catalog : Searching the Asset Catalog : Keyword Search : Using Wildcards
Using Wildcards
The available wildcard characters are as follows:
* or %
If you use the percent symbol (%) or the asterisk (*), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with as many characters as necessary to find a match. For example, an entry of A%n returns both Amazon and American. If you enter *al, then CalcService, Calendar and AustralianPostCode all fit the search criteria.
? or _
If you use the question mark (?) or the underscore (_), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with a single character in order to find a match. Example: CustomerSVC?Request matches any character for ?.
You can use a wildcard character at any point in the keyword text, and multiple times throughout the keyword text. If you enter a wildcard character in the middle of a string, for example cat*dog, then at least one of the searched attributes must contain the string in order for the asset or supporting document to be included in the result set.
If a wildcard character between two words is surrounded by spaces, such as word1 * word2, the wildcard will match one word.
Keep the following in mind:
*Certain non-alphanumeric characters that can appear in the name of an asset are currently ignored by CentraSite's wildcard mechanism when you include them in a keyword search. In particular, the hyphen (-) is ignored. Thus, if you have created the assets asset-1 and asset_1, the wildcard search for asset?1 will find asset_1 but not asset-1.
*The percent (%) character acts as a word delimiter when it appears in the text to be searched. Thus, for example, if the description field of an asset contains the text abc%def (the characters a, b, c, %, d, e, f), this is treated by the search mechanism as two adjacent words abc and def. A wildcard search such as abc*def looks for a single word beginning with abc and ending with def, so the search will not find this asset.
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