CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Virtualized APIs in CentraSite Business UI : Registering as Consumers of an API : Registering Users as Consumers
Registering Users as Consumers
Authorized CentraSite User Accessing API as Logged-On User
Authorized CentraSite User Accessing API as a Guest
Unauthorized User Accessing API as a Guest
Users can register themselves as consumers of specified APIs, using the Consume action. That is, users can request permission to access specified APIs in the registry. The owners of the APIs may approve or reject such requests. The Consume action applies only to proxy APIs.
To enable CentraSite to issue email messages, an administrator must first configure CentraSite's email server settings. For procedures, see CentraSite Administrator’s Guide .
To register a user as a consumer for an API
1. In CentraSite Business UI, display the details page for the API that you want to consume.
2. On the API details page, click Consume (). This opens the Consume API dialog.
3. Depending on the type of user account you have in CentraSite, you must complete one of the following procedures:
Authorized CentraSite User Accessing API as Logged-On User
- OR -
Authorized CentraSite User Accessing API as a Guest
- OR -
Unauthorized User Accessing API as a Guest
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