CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Managing Virtualized Services : Creating Virtual Services : Who Should Create a Virtual Service?
Who Should Create a Virtual Service?
Virtual Service Ownership
If a user has View permission on a native service and Create Assets permission within their own organization, he or she can create a virtual service. However, the user will not be permitted to configure the processing steps for the virtual service unless he or she also has the Manage Runtime Policies permission for their organization. Only users with Manage Runtime Policies permission can configure these steps.
Consider identifying a small group of users who will be responsible for configuring the processing steps for a virtual service. Give this group a role that includes the Manage Run-time Policies permission. Because these users might configure virtual services that other users have created, they will also need Modify permission on the virtual services. To ensure that these users can edit the virtual services that they need to configure, consider creating a design/change-time policy that automatically gives this group Modify permission on a virtual service when it is created.
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