CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing the Catalog : Using the Search Result List
Using the Search Result List
Managing the Search Results Page
Configuring the Search Results Page
The Browse, Keyword, and Advanced searches return a list of assets that match the search criteria in the Search Results panel.
The number of search results is displayed below the title line of the Search Results area, for example About 114 results. If no results are found, then the search result is displayed as "query does not match any existing data" in the CentraSite registry.
The Search Results view shows various attributes of the assets, such as the name of the asset, the asset type and, the description.
You can perform various actions on the displayed list of assets. If you want to perform an action on just one or several of the displayed assets, you can mark the check boxes of the required assets, and then select an action from the actions menu.
Here is a sample of the available actions:
*Export one or more of the displayed assets.
*Delete one or more of the displayed assets.
*Change the lifecycle state of one or more of the displayed assets.
*Add one or more of the displayed assets to the My Favorites list.
CentraSite Business UI will not display instances of the sub types in the Search Results page, if the Exclude sub types from Business UI search option is enabled in its base type definition. As a result, only instances of the base type will be displayed, and you cannot browse or search for the sub type instances. However, you can also view the instances of a sub type if you add that particular sub type to the recipe in the Advanced Search panel.
You can enable or disable this option in the Edit Asset Type - Advanced Settings dialog of the base type definition. However, to modify this option, you must belong to a role that has the “Manage Asset Types” permission. For more information about excluding sub types from CentraSite Business UI search, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide .
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