CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing the Catalog : Advanced Search : Searchable Attributes : Generic Attributes
Generic Attributes
The generic attributes that can be used as search criteria are described in the following table:
Search Attribute
Use this attribute to search for assets whose name matches a specified text string.
You can specify a substring or expression that can be combined with a "contains word" (default option), "starts with", "equals" or "not equals" expression. The search is neither case nor accent sensitive. If "starts with" is used, no wildcard is necessary as a postfix. If "contains word" is used, the word given is treated as a partial string with implicit wildcards. If "equals" or "not equals" is used, no wildcards are supported.
If multiple substrings have been given the parameters are implicitly quoted. Explicit quotations and wildcards can be used, and behave in the same way as for keyword searches.
Use this attribute to search for assets whose description matches a specified text string.
Usage is the same as for the Name attribute.
Use this attribute to search for assets belonging to a specific asset type.
Choose the asset type via a Browse selection list.
Creation Date
Use this attribute to search for assets with a specified creation date.
You can select a date and apply a before/after/on/between criterion. If "between" is used, a second input field allows you to specify the end date.
The date input parameters allow year, month and day input as well as hour and minute. Hour and minute default to 0. The data format is used as specified in the account preferences of a user (defaults to "yyyy-mm-dd"). No wildcards are supported.
Modified Date
Use this attribute to search for assets with a specified modification date.
Usage is the same as for the Creation Date attribute.
Use this attribute to search for assets that are in a specified lifecycle state.
Use this attribute to search for an asset that exactly matches the given UDDI V3 key.
If no prefix uddi: is given, this is implied automatically. No wildcards are supported.
Use this attribute to search for assets belonging to a specified user.
Choose the user via a Browse selection list.
Submitting Organization
Use this attribute to search for assets provided by a specified organization.
Choose the organization via a Browse selection list.
Use this attribute to register users and applications to consume the asset.
Use this attribute to register users to receive notifications when changes are made to the asset.
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