CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Managing Endpoints : Managing Endpoints of a Virtual Service over its Lifecycle
Managing Endpoints of a Virtual Service over its Lifecycle
Publishing the Test Endpoint for a Virtual Service on the Consumption Registry
When you create a virtual service, CentraSite generates a WSDL file for the virtual service. Initially, Mediator generates this WSDL file as an abstract WSDL file, and is represented as an "empty" WSDL in the format <protocol>:// . However, when you deploy the virtual service, CentraSite replaces the port definitions in this WSDL file with a port definition that specifies the virtual service's endpoint on the Mediator. At this time, it also updates the binding information that appears on the virtual service's Operations panel.
CentraSite will automatically update the port definitions in the virtual service WSDL and regenerate the corresponding bindings any time you deploy, undeploy or redeploy the virtual service.
Because the endpoint information for virtual services is generated and updated by CentraSite, you should not manually edit the endpoint information for virtual services. In other words, unlike native services, you should not manually add endpoints to the WSDL of a virtual service. Instead, simply allow CentraSite to generate and manage the endpoints for the virtual services that you deploy.
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