CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Managing API Keys and OAuth 2.0 Tokens : Renewing an API Key : Configuring the Email Templates for Key Expiration
Configuring the Email Templates for Key Expiration
Notifications informing about upcoming API key expiration and generated API key expired are generated and sent to the API consumer.
A consumer can have two kinds of key expiration notifications:
*API key has expired - a critical event type message.
*API key expires soon - a warning type message. It will be generated "n" days before the key expiration date and displayed every day before the key actually expires.
To configure templates for API key expiration
1. Use a text editor to open the custom configuration centrasite.xml file. The configuration file is located in the <CentraSiteInstallDir>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\ directory.
2. Locate the ExpiryNotificationSettings element in the file.
The expiration notification settings would look like the following:
subject="Access key has expired!"
template="APIKeyExpiredNotification.html" />
subject="Access key about to expire!"
template="APIKeyExpirationNotification.html" />
3. Uncomment the section API KEY EXPIRATION CONFIGURATION to enable key expiration notifications.
4. Use the ExpiredNotification property to set the subject and body of the notification message for the consumers whose API key has expired.
5. Use the AdvanceNotification property to set the subject and body of the notification message for the consumers whose API keys are due to expire.
6. Use the SchedulerExecutionFrequency attribute to specify how frequently to check for the expiration status of API keys. Enter the time interval in the following format: years (y), months (m), days (d), hours (h), minutes (min).
7. Use the AdvanceNotificationInterval attribute to specify how many days should be consumers notified before the key expiration (in days). Then the consumers are entitled receive a notification message as configured in the AdvanceNotification property. Enter the time interval in the following format: years (y) months (m) days (d) hours (h) minutes (min).
8. Save and close the file.
If you have set up a Software AG Runtime cluster with load balancing, locate the CENTRASITE ACCESS URL CONFIGURATION element, and ensure that the lb_or_reverse_proxy_url attribute in the following property points to the load balancer's IP/Port.
<CentraSite url="http://localhost:53305/CentraSite/CentraSite"
9. Restart Software AG Runtime.
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