CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Importing Objects Using the API : Invoking an Importer From the Command Line : Importing an Archive
Importing an Archive
To import an archive in CentraSite registry, use a command ImportArchive of the following format:
On Windows
ImportArchive.cmd [-setreplace] [-importorg <ORGANIZATION-KEY>] [-keepowner]
ImportArchive.sh [-setreplace] [-importorg <ORGANIZATION-KEY>] [-keepowner]
Input Parameters and Options
The following table describes the complete set of input parameters and options that you can use with the ImportArchive utility:
Required. The absolute or relative path to the export archive file. If relative, the path should be relative to the location from where the command is executed.
The archive file can contain an organization with its assets or can contain a set of objects that were exported from one or more organizations.
Required. Your CentraSite user ID.
Required. The password for your CentraSite user account.
Required. The fully qualified URL for the CentraSite registry/repository.
If you omit this parameter, the importer assumes that the registry/repository resides at http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite.
If the registry/repository is running on a different machine and port number, you can use this parameter to specify its location instead of using the individual -h and -p parameters. (If you specify the -dburl parameter with the -h and/or -p parameters, the -h and -p parameters will be ignored.)
By default, objects are imported into the current user's organization. Use this optional parameter if you want to specify a different organization into which the objects should be imported. The keyword is followed by the organization's GUID, prefixed by "uddi:", for example: "uddi:207ff1cc-25c5-544c-415c-5d98ea91060c".
This parameter has no effect if the -keeporganization option is set.
When an object is to be imported, the timestamp of the object in the import archive file is compared with the timestamp of the corresponding object with the same GUID in the registry, if the latter exists. If the timestamps are equal, the object is not imported. If the archive timestamp is older than the registry timestamp, the object is only imported if this optional parameter is present; otherwise it is ignored.
This option will maintain the original owner of the importing objects. This requires the original owner to exist with the same UDDI key on the target machine.
If the parameter is not set, the importing user will be owner of the objects.
This option will maintain the original organization of the importing objects. This requires the original organization to exist with the same UDDI key on the target machine.
If an organization is imported with its assets, this option is automatically activated.
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