CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Importing Objects Using the API : Invoking an Importer from a Java Class : Executing the Script File That Invokes an Importer : Importing a REST Service : Input Parameters
Input Parameters
The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the REST Service importer:
-s xsdFile
Required. The absolute or relative path to the schema file from which the REST service is created. If relative, the path should be relative to the location from where the command is executed.
-n serviceName
Required. The name that is to be assigned to the service.
-e endpointURL
Required. The URL where the service is deployed. (The access point for the service.)
-m httpMethods
Required. The HTTP access methods that the service supports. Valid values are: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. If the service supports multiple methods, list the methods separated by spaces (e.g., -m GET PUT DELETE).
-dbuser userID
Required. Your CentraSite user ID. (This user account must have permission to create assets in the organization to which the service will be added.)
-dbpassword password
Required. The password for your CentraSite user account.
-dbhost hostName
The host name or IP address of the computer where the CentraSite registry/repository component is running.
If you omit this parameter, the importer assumes that the registry/repository is running on localhost.
-dbport portNumber
The port number on which the CentraSite registry/repository is configured to listen for incoming requests.
If you omit this parameter, the importer assumes that the registry/repository is listening on the default port, 53307.
-suser xsdFileUser
The user ID that is to be used if the XSD file (specified in the -s parameter) resides on a secure server and the importer is required to provide a user ID and password to access it.
-spassword xsdFilePassword
The password for the user account in -suser.
Do not overwrite existing imported XML Schemas that exist in the registry.
-desc description
The description that is to be assigned to the REST Service.
If you omit this parameter, the service description will be empty.
-ver versionID
The version identifier that is to be assigned to the REST Service. (This is the user-defined identifier, not the system-assigned version number.)
If you omit this parameter, the version identifier will be set to 1.0.
-porg providingOrg
The name of the organization that is to be designated as the providing organization for this service.
If you omit this parameter, the providing organization will be set to the Default Organization.
-sorg submittingOrg
The name of the organization to which this service is to be added.
If you omit this parameter, the service will be added to the Default Organization.
You can also obtain the complete list of input parameters for the REST Service importer by invoking the importer with no input parameters.
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