CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Using the Asset Catalog : Introduction
What an Asset Catalog Contains
Who Can View the Asset Catalog?
The asset catalog enables CentraSite users to view and manage assets such as the Web services and XML schemas.
This is of specific relevance to REST and XML based service assets. Beginning with version 9.7, CentraSite Control does not support the following out-of-the-box asset types: REST Service, XML Service, Virtual REST Service, and Virtual XML Service. This is because, CentraSite Control does not support the enhanced interface for REST and XML service assets (in contrast, earlier versions of CentraSite Control supported a standardized interface for REST and XML service assets). You cannot create asset instances of the above mentioned types using the CentraSite Control user interface. However, you can view details of these asset instances that were imported from previous versions of CentraSite or created using the CentraSite Business UI.
*Provider users use the Asset Catalog to view and manage their organization's assets, publish assets, edit asset details and assign permissions to assets.
*Consumer and guest users use the Asset Catalog tab to browse the catalog and search for assets.
The catalog functions as the central registry of reusable assets within a development environment. When initially installed, the CentraSite catalog supports several types of assets, such as Web services, XML schemas and application servers. However, an administrator can configure the catalog to hold additional assets that are customized for your environment. For example, the catalog at your site might be configured to hold items such as reusable Java libraries or portlets in addition to the basic set of assets that CentraSite supports.
Not all operations are allowed for all users. A user's role and the instance-level permissions on an asset determine which assets a user is allowed to and what operations the user is allowed to perform on the asset.
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