CentraSite Documentation : Getting Started with CentraSite : Implementation Concepts : Identifying the Consumers of Virtual Services : Registering an Application Asset with a Virtual Service : The Consumer-Registration Policy
The Consumer-Registration Policy
The consumer-registration policy is a policy that includes the Register Consumer action and executes on the OnConsumerRegistration event. The OnConsumerRegistration event occurs when the owner of the asset approves the registration request, not when the user submits the registration request. CentraSite does not provide a consumer-registration policy out-of-the-box. You must create this policy for your instance of CentraSite. CentraSite will not enable the consumer-registration feature until you create this policy.
If you will be using the Authorize Against Registered Consumers policy action to control access to a virtual service at run time, you should strongly consider including an approval step in your consumer-registration policy. When you use this form of access control on a virtual service, registering a consumer application with the virtual service grants that consumer application permission to invoke the service. To ensure that only authorized applications are registered with a virtual service, you might want to have a security administrator review and approve this type of registration request.
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