Report Template Name | Description |
Asset Changes Since Date | This report lists all changes that have occurred on the assets of the specific organization since selected date. |
New Assets Since Date | This report lists all new assets that were created in the specific organization since selected date. |
Run-time Asset Quality of Service | This report displays the quality of service information about runtime assets. |
Run-time Asset Usage | This report provides details about the selected asset (or all assets) usage over the selected period. |
Run-time Consumer Usage | This report provides details about the usage by each consumer over the selected period. |
Run-time Policy Errors | This report displays policy violation errors for that particular day. |
Run-time Services | This report displays the summary level information about virtual services. |
Service Details | This report displays the details of services in CentraSite. |
SLA Violations | This report provides details about the SLA violations reports over the selected period. |
SOA Maturity | For each month in the current and previous year this report calculates the number of services available per month with the total number of usage references for those services. |
Top Ten Consumers | This report displays the top ten consumers in the SOA infrastructure. |
Top Ten Services | This report displays the top ten services in the SOA infrastructure. |
Run-time Asset Error | This report provides details about the runtime asset errors for that particular day. |
Unreferenced Assets | This report shows all assets that have no incoming relationships. |
Important: | The use of the run-time report templates is not supported if you are using a CentraSite Community Edition license. |