CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Working with Design/Change-Time Policies : Functional Scope : Predefined Policies Used by CentraSite
Predefined Policies Used by CentraSite
CentraSite includes a set of predefined policies that execute internal operations on the registry. Many of these policies relate to operations such as deleting objects, exporting objects and moving objects. By default, predefined policies are not shown in the policy list, however, you can view them by enabling the Show Predefined Policies option.
System policies often execute on events such as OnCollect, OnMove and OnExport. For example, the OnMove event triggers the Default Move Handler policy, which makes the changes necessary to move an asset from one organization and/or user to another. If your site has special requirements, it can override certain predefined policies. For example, if you have an asset type that is not suitably exported by CentraSite's Default Export Handler policy, you can develop your own export handler policy to export assets of that type. For more information about replacing the predefined policies installed with CentraSite, see Working with Predefined Policies.
If you belong to a role that includes the Manage System-Wide Design/Change-Time Policies permission, you have the ability to edit, delete and deactivate CentraSite's predefined policies. However, you should not do this. These policies perform critical functions within the registry and must not be edited, deleted, or deactivated except under the direction of a technical representative from Software AG.
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