CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer’s Guide : Pluggable Architecture : Customizing the Welcome Page : Example of a Customized Welcome Page : Building the Deployment Files for Software AG Runtime
Building the Deployment Files for Software AG Runtime
The build.properties File
Building the Deployment Files
Building the Deployment Files Using Eclipse (Method 1)
Building the Deployment Files from the Command Line (Method 2)
To deploy the demo welcome page to Software AG Runtime, you need to create a jar file containing the Java classes of your Java sources, then copy the jar file and any required graphic icons to the Software AG Runtime environment.
You can build the jar file by using Apache Ant with the build file build.xml provided in the demos\WelcomePage folder. The file build.xml uses a properties file build.properties to define some customer-specific files names and folder locations.
The build file, build.xml also builds a zip file that contains the jar file and all required graphical icons. To deploy the demo welcome page, you can unzip the contents of the zip file directly into your Software AG Runtime location.
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