Deploying the New Java Classes to the PluggableUI Environment
In addition to modifying the plugin.xml file, as described above, you need to copy the Java classes for your customized Welcome page to the CentraSite Control location in Software AG Runtime.
There are two ways of doing this:
Create a jar file containing the class files for your customized Welcome page, and copy the jar file to the
CentraSiteControl\lib folder in
Software AG Runtime.
Copy the class files to the
CentraSiteControl\classes folder and its subfolders, according to the naming convention of the Java package that contains the classes. If, for example, your package name is
com.centrasite.control.ext.welcome.sample, then copy the classes to the
CentraSiteControl\classes\com\centrasite\control\ext\welcome\sample folder.
You can also combine these methods, and define some classes via a jar file in the lib folder and some classes as class files in the appropriate subfolder of the classes folder. If you have defined a class in both lib and a subfolder of classes, the class in the CentraSiteControl\classes subfolder will be used.
If you have defined new icons for the customized Welcome page, you need to copy the icons to the appropriate location under the CentraSiteControl folder. If, for example, your code contains the definition public String getImage() { return "images/my_welcome_icon.png"; }, ensure that the icon my_welcome_icon.png is copied to CentraSiteControl\images.