CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Run-Time Targets : Creating and Managing Targets : Creating Insight Targets
Creating Insight Targets
Use the following procedure to create a webMethods Insight target and save it to the CentraSite registry/repository.
To create a target
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Operations > Targets to display the target list.
2. Click Add Target and specify the following fields in the wizard.
In this field...
A name for the new target. Target names can contain alphanumeric characters, but cannot contain spaces or special characters (except underscores (_) and hyphens (-).
Specify the target name with care. You cannot change the target name after the target is added to the CentraSite.
A target name does not need to be unique within the registry/repository. However, to reduce ambiguity, you should avoid giving multiple targets the same name. As a best practice, we recommend that you adopt appropriate naming conventions to ensure that targets are distinctly named within your organization.
Optional. A description for the new target. This description appears when a user displays a list of targets in the user interface.
Choose the organization to which the target will be added. (The drop-down list will contain the list of organizations to which you are permitted to add targets.)
Select Insight.
It is not possible to change the target type after the target has been created.
3. Click Next.
4. In panel 2, complete the following fields:
In this field...
Deployment Endpoint
Optional. The URL of the endpoint for the target's deployment service. If you are using webMethods Integration Server as your target type, specify the URL of the webMethods Mediator's deployment service directory as follows:
The URL can be HTTP or HTTPS.
Optional. The user ID of the Integration Server user to be used for the deployment operation.
The default user ID is "Administrator".
Optional. The password of the Integration Server user to be used for the deployment operation.
The default password is “manage”.
Optional. The sandbox category by which you want to classify the deployment endpoint for the Insight target.
a. Click Browse.
b. When you click the button, the Browse Sandbox Categories dialog appears which allows you to select the required categories for the deployment endpoint.
c. Click the expand node next to “Sandbox” taxonomy to view the categorization tree.
d. Mark the checkbox beside the name of the category to classify the deployment endpoint.
e. Click OK.
CentraSite includes a set of predefined categories for the taxonomy node “Sandbox”, especially for classifying the deployment endpoint for targets. By default, the target's deployment endpoint can be classified into one of these following predefined categories: Development, Production and Test.
For information on the “Sandbox” categories that CentraSite supports out-of-the-box, in CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Taxonomies. On the Taxonomies page, navigate to Sandbox in the list of taxonomies.
If you would like to use sandbox categories that are not supported by CentraSite, you can define your own custom categories.
Although it is possible to define subcategories for the predefined and custom categories within the Sandbox taxonomy, you cannot use these subcategories to classify the deployment endpoint. CentraSite only displays the names of the top-level categories (that is, categories that are defined for the Sandbox taxonomy) for the classification.
5. Click Finish to save the new target to the CentraSite registry/repository.
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